Chapter 3 (Something's up??)

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(note: a slight Neji-Ten)

- "Happened today?" I exclaimed.

- "Yeah! I can't believe you don't know yet!" Ino yelled.

- "Hey, please tell me. What is it?"

Ino was about to tell me which I guess was very important, she was interrupted by Shikamaru and Choji."

Ino – "Shika! Choji! Long time no see!!!" she yelled, "Sakura would you mind me meeting them, you know they are my teammates and how much I miss them!"

- "Sure, Ino, go ahead, I will go home anyways."

- "Thanks my bestie, how about you meet with your team too!"

- "Well, Kakashi is the hokage and you know how busy he is and I already met Naruto so it's alright." I said

- "What about Sasuke?"

- "You know he never returns to the village, does he? And even if he did come then he doesn't even like me." I laughed slightly but the fakeness cannot be hidden from my best friend.

- "It looks you really don't know!" Ino said and ran away to Shikamaru and Choji.

I was literally confused in what Ino just said.

What did she mean? What actually happened? Why did Naruto even come to meet me in the first place? Whose chakra did I sense earlier?

It seemed all these were connected to something or some incident.

Pushing all the thoughts behind, I decided to take a shot walk near the lake, I needed fresh air. All the pungent chemical odour in the hospital made me more sick. I could not concentrate at all.

I started walking and saw Ten-Ten and Neji proceeding right towards my direction. (Yes, Neji is alive in my story cause I want Neji-Ten (smirks))!!

 (Yes, Neji is alive in my story cause I want Neji-Ten (smirks))!!

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Both Neji and Ten-Ten greeted me and so did I.

Ten-Ten and Neji seemed more of a happy couple together just like Ino and Sai and Naruto and Hinata. Even Shikamaru was dating Temari, Choji!!!! Who believed in nothing but to die happily eating was so much into Karui! I was the only one left behind.

- "How are you doing? You look tired, Sakura." Ten-Ten said.

- "Yeah how are you? Long time no see." Even Neji spoke to me which was one of the rarest thing that could happen in the universe.

- "Hello, yeah, I am doing alright. I am just a little stressed by working all day, you know,"

- "Sure thing, you work way too hard for everyone in the village and we all are very grateful to you, lady Sakura!" Ten-Ten laughed and teased me by calling "lady".

I guess she was even more charming when Neji was around. Even Neji looked more confident and happy with her. They both were so perfect.

After a little chat with both of them, I decided to go home.

We all went towards our direction now.

Before leaving, Neji said,

- "Bye, but be careful, see you later, Come Ten-Ten lets go."

- "Sayonara Neji-Kun, Ten-ten."

Before turning, I did not miss the act Neji did. He grabbed Ten-Ten's hand a pulled her towards her and left. My cheeks were pink now!!

I don't know why but "be careful" word which Neji told seemed to me that it was a hidden message. I mean it was not only just a saying, it seemed he was really warning me of something.

Why are such simple things making an issue in my head, anyway.

I decided to not waste anymore time and started to walk towards my apartment.


To be continued.......

Hope you all liked it.

thank you, and sorry it was way too long since I published the previous part.

I am left with the typing!

Thanks again and bye!

:) -Mittipoka

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