Chapter1 (whose is this chakra?)

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I enjoyed the warm shower after a long time. I squeezed some shampoo and washed my hair thoroughly. After rinsing off the foam, I rapped a towel on my head and another towel on my torso and opened the bathroom door. I entered my room and wore my usual clothes and blow-dried my now long hair and tied a pony-tail. Yes, I was growing my hair for quite a few years now after the War ended.

I gave low sigh

- "Geez! Head to work again!!

I was away at work for a whole week and returned home late last night. Now, I will have breakfast and have to work in the hospital again! It's not like I did not want to but the thing is I hate getting up so early in the morning and going to bed late at night like even after 3am!!!

I went to the kitchen and found a note kept on the table. I read it which stated:

"Dear sweety, I won't be home for at least a week or two. I had to leave early for my mission, Sorry I did not inform you as you were taking your rest. The breakfast is kept in the fridge, please do have it and take care. I will be back after my mission is over.



I read the letter and found my breakfast in the fridge. I warmed it in the microwave and had my meal. I loved my Mom's cooking but I guess I won't get some for a week maybe.

I had my breakfast and noticed it was already 8:00 am!!

- "Oh no!! I'm gonna be late!"

I wished today will be better; I cannot take thousands of piles of paper on top of my desk everyday. I was lady Tsunade's apprentice after all.

As I entered the gate of the hospital, I sensed a familiar chakra. I could not make out whose it was exactly but I seemed quite familiar with it. As I went upstairs I greeted Shizune and went inside my office. Yes, I had my own office as I was now the so called top medic among the five nations. I guess I wasn't a useless anymore! It felt so nice to heal people and see them happy. A smile on everyone's face is what I wanted after all!

I went inside my chamber and to my surprise, I found Naruto there!!

- "Oh, hey Sakura-chan!! How are you?" Naruto busted out of happiness as his usual self.

- "Hi, Naruto" I am fine but what brings you here?"

Even I was very happy to see him after a long time but it felt strange that the chakra I sensed before just faded away since the time I entered my corridor and was sure that it wasn't of Naruto's.

- "I just came here to talk to you only Sakura!" Naruto giggled.

- - "Oh, I see, here, come inside and I will make us a cup of coffee."

- "Wuhu!!" Naruto exclaimed and started jumping around like a monkey.

I cannot deny the fact that I love him.

Like a brother. He is always there for me no matter what. His dreams are my dreams. I want him to be happy. I want him to move his relationship with Hinata to a next step.

I went and brought some juice and pastries for him and only coffee for me.

- "Looks like we are running out of coffee.

- "It's totally alright with me." Naruto said.

We enjoyed our meal and talked for quite a few minutes as there was no sign of a patient heading towards my chamber. We talked about our olden memories in the academy and our team 7 except every now and then the blonde exclaimed about the taste variations in Ichiraku ramen. We laughed and talked to our hearts content. Then Naruto said a little seriously out of nowhere,

- " Umm, hey, Sakura-chan, you should leave early today.

- "huh?? From where did that come from?" I said rather blankly or confused.

- "Well you see. Uh, hh. Never mind!" Naruto gave a false smile and sighed.

- "well, ok-ok!" I sighed, " I will try to leave early anyways."

Naruto gave me a sigh of relief and just then I heard.........

To be continued...

So guys what do you think about what Sakura heard? Make guesses, the answer accurate or close enough would be dedicated in one of the next chapters. Also who do you think the chakra which Sakura sensed earlier belonged to??

Until next time.... bye

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