Amy had avoided the red carpet and entered with Karen and Kevin, but Jack seemed to appear from nowhere.

'Come and get a picture with me' he asked pulling her towards the photographers that she'd previously successfully dodged.

'Do I have to?' She asked knowing fine well that he'd already made up his mind and it was happening. Jack was such a determined man.

The two of them stood together and he put his arm around her as the paparazzi snapped away. He was at ease but all of a sudden she felt like she didn't know where to put her arms or how to smile; completely awkward. She hated it completely. Thankfully another player,Shane Duffy, was arriving and took the attention from them. Amy was delighted they were finally going to the table to sit with Kevin and Karen.

'You better get used to that because when I hit the big time everyone will be taking our picture. We'll have a 5 page spread in hello magazine in our beautiful 6 bedroom mansion. Sat on thrones like Posh and Becks' he joked, getting completely carried away in the moment.

'Calm down' she said with an awkward laugh, feeling even more overwhelmed. Luckily there was a glass of champagne waiting for her on their table to take her mind off it. Now they could chill until Jack's category was announced, but from nowhere a tall blonde girl approached the table.
'Hi Jack'

'Oh hi Orlaith'

'So is this your sister?' She asked pointing at Amy.

'No, I'm his girlfriend Amy'

'Ooh girlfriend, I didn't know about that' she said airily.

'Yeah we've been together ages now' Jack replied, sensing Amy's confusion- Who was this girl and why was she so interested in Jack's love life?

'Well you've just broken a million hearts then, mine included obviously. See you soon though' She blew him a kiss and walked off.  

Jack didn't explain who it was, he just began talking to some of the other ROI players.

'You okay love?' Kevin asked her, sensing her insecurity.

'Yeah sure' she put on her fake smile, suddenly she went from feeling like the queen of the world to feeling like the odd one out. The dress she'd felt $1m in just moments earlier felt like a mistake. Like she was pretending to something she really wasn't and didn't know if she wanted to be either. The other girls there were beautiful, hair and made up to perfection, that wasn't her. She'd rather be in Jack's Villa shirt, hoody, no make up and Jeans.

Amy excused herself and headed to the bathroom, Jack didn't even notice her pass him, he was far too busy laughing with his U-21 team mates. Amy couldn't take it, almost in tears she called her friend Laura.

'I feel like a fish out of water here, they're all so beautiful and I feel like a mess beside them' she sniffed. Dabbing her tears with a bit of rolled up toilet roll.

'Who's Jack there with?' Laura asked

'Me, I guess' sniffed Amy.

'So what does anyone else matter. Jack loves you and only you. How do you know that by now. He's head over heels for you, now get out of that bathroom and go enjoy yourself with the love of your life' Laura instructed.

Her friends words in her ear, she sorted herself out, reapplied her lipstick and went back out to join the table.

'I wondered where you'd gone' said Jack cuddling her into him. How was she going to manage the difference between her Jack and the Jack Grealish taking the football world by storm.

'Who was the girl Jack?' Asked Amy all of a sudden, as if the question rolled off her lips by accident.

'Oh Orlaith? She's Seans sister. Nice girl but nothing on you' he reassured Amy.

'She just seemed a bit familiar' Amy explained her concerns.

'She can be whatever she wants to be:
I'm all yours' Jack reassured her again.


'And the winner of under 21's player of the year is....... Jack Grealish'

Jack immediately turned to Amy and kissed her, despite it being broadcast.

'Love you Jack' she whispered.

She watched him climb up on stage and receive the award. He did his thank you'd but at the end be said

'But most of all, I'd like to thank my girlfriend
Amy for always believing in me. She blushed deeply. She would always be Jack's number one fan.


After Jack's award was given out, the rest of the night was pretty boring, even if Jack and Amy did have a few more glasses of champagne than they were supposed to, but it was still a relief when the event ended.

'Please tell me you want me naked as much as I want you' he whispered out of earshot of his mum.

'More than life itself' she replied, before kissing his cheek.

They shared a car back to the hotel with Karen
and headed back to their own room. They barely made it through the door before Jack picked her up and pinned her to the wall, panties pulled to one side he buried himself deep inside her. The surprise and the feeling made her groan immediately.

'Fuck me Aims, I could do this to you all day, every day' he panted breathlessly before falling down on top of her, satisfied and sweating profusely.

'And I very much like the sound of that' she kissed the top of his head and held him tight.

They lay quietly for quite some time before Jack spoke again.
'Amy, what's your plans for the future?' He asked out of nowhere.

'What do you mean? asked Amy, confused by his unexpected question.

'Like, next year after you finish school, what next?'

'You know this, I want to go to uni to study international business with languages' she told him for eje hundredth time.

'But what uni? Have you decided yet?'

'Ive got a few on my shortlist. Edinburgh, Glasgow, Stirling maybe. Jack, what's this all about?' She asked, feeling as if if she had missed

'Well, I was thinking' he paused 'what about Birmingham university?' he asked

'You'd really want me to move to be closer to you all the time?' She asked incredulously.

'Not just closer to me, I was thinking maybe we could get a place together. Nothing flash, just a flat that's ours.'

'Are you seriously asking me to move in with you? Because if you are then yes!' She squealed.

'I know we're the real thing and so do you, so why wait. You can study and I can play and we both get to come home to each other at the end of everyday'

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