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This part/chapter mentions bombs, guns, violence, self harming and death.


Some info: you and Teresa stopped seeing each other because you didn't wanna feel more guilty then you already do for cheating on Newt. Also because you started to have real feelings for Teresa and you don't want those feelings to turn into something more, but Teresa doesn't know that. You and Teresa are friends still. Janson still thinks it's your fault that you and Teresa had a thing so he hits you. You can't heal yourself cuz the bracelet and if you try to take off the bracelet, you get a massive pain that makes you pass out. If you try to use your powers the bracelet will stab your wrist.


The Guards grabbed everyone that WICKED captured and but us in trains. They chained up our hands. I was sitting next to Minho. After about 2 hours we heard a car. After a couple minutes the train stopped.

Minho said "hey you okay?"

I said "yeah are you okay?"

Then someone started banging on the train walls. The person said "April! Minho can you hear me?"
I realized it was Thomas

I said "Minho that's Thomas"

Minho said "finally they found us..but you need to tell Newt about you and Teresa"

I said "I know and me and Teresa are just friends we stopped about like 5 months ago"

Thomas said "Minho, April! Can you guys hear me?!"

Me and Minho said "YEAH!"


WICKED guards took everyone out of the train. They put me next to Minho. He looked disappointed and tired. I was about to say something but Janson came over, I looked up at him

I said "what?!"

Janson said "don't raise your voice at me!"

Janson punched me.

Minho said "don't touch her!"

I said "Minho, stop....it's fine"

Janson left, Minho looked at me

Minho said "are you okay?"

I touched my lip then looked at my hand and saw blood.

I said "I'm fine"

Minho said "how are you not in pain?!"

I said "I'm used to it"


They put me on a machine and started bringing back painful memories, I started to feel pain. It was like I was feeling the pain from those memories all over again. I screamed in pain, tears streaming down my cheeks

I said "stop, please! it hurts!"

I saw a glass window, behind the window was Teresa and Ava. a tear rolled Teresa cheek

Teresa said "STOP!"

Ava said "what are you doing?"

Teresa said "saving the person I love"

Teresa came into the room

Teresa said "stop the machines!"

Ava said "do what she said"

They took off the machines. I fell into Teresa's arms, she hugged me.

I said "thank you Tess"

Teresa said "come on, you need rest"

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