𝙰𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚕?

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I woke up to the sun hitting my face. I looked up and saw Thomas sleeping, I realized I fell asleep on Thomas. I got off of Thomas. I lightly shook Thomas waking him up then I woke up Minho.

I said "come on guys, the doors should be open"

I tried to get up but I just fell back down. I sighed in frustration.

Minho said "need help?"

I said "obviously dumbass"

Minho said "don't be rude to me"

I said "will you shut up!"

Thomas laughed a little. Thomas and Minho helped me up. I put my arms around their neck and we started walking to the entrance. My body started hurting a lot.


When we got to the entrance all the gladers looked shocked and happy that we were alive.

Newt said "what the bloody hell happened?!"

I collapsed. Newt ran to me and the others circled around us.

Newt said "love? Minho and Thomas you better tell me what happened in the bloody maze!"

Thomas said "April saved my life"

Gally said "what the hell do you mean she saved your life?!"

Minho said "April ran in front of Thomas and a Griever threw April to a wall"

Newt looked at Thomas

Newt said "you let her get hurt!"

Thomas said "I never told her to jump in front of me!"

I heard a unfamiliar voice say "you ungrateful asshole! She could've died because she wanted to save you, someone who doesn't appreciate that she saved them!"

Then everything went black and I couldn't hear anything.


I woke up in the medic hut. I walked out and saw all the gladers around the bonfire, some were dancing and some were play fighting. I went over and started looking for Newt. I saw Newt and a girl laughing. I could feel anger and jealousy filling my body. I was walking towards the forest When...

Newt said "love come here"

I started walking towards Newt. The girl turned around and looked at me. Then I realized she was the little girl from my dream but she was older. Then I started getting visions of me and a girl laughing. Then I heard a little girl say "Teresa please don't leave me, I can't lose my best friend". I snapped back into reality. I went up to Newt and the girl

Newt said "love are you okay?"

I said "I'm fine!"

Newt and the greenie looked at me.

I said "I'm sorry, I-I have to go"

I went to leave but the girl grabbed my hand. The dreams all came back to me except they were more like memories.

The girl said "April?!"

I said "T-Teresa?!"

She hugged me and I hugged her back.

Newt said "how do you guys know each other?"

Teresa said "we used to be best friends when we were little"

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