Chapter 12 - A particular history

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Thomas arrived at his aunts house. House? Actually it was more like a bunker. It laid in the heart of the woods,close to the centre of Ramsgate. Thomas didn't like it at all to be here. The last time he saw his aunt was when he was 7, when she had given him lessons about controlling his emotions, for 'certain reasons.'

He tried. So. Hard.

He finally got a chance to start all over again, on the other side of the sea. No one that knew him. To live a normal teenagelife. But he had discovered that people would always test him, no matter what. When Thomas came home that day, after the fight, his parents already knew about the water explosions thanks to the news. They had insisted on bringing him to his aunt. This was the reason they came to England after all. Thomas had to learn more about the 'abilities' he had and how to control them, before he would turn 18.

18. The age that he would get acces to something his parents would call 'gifts.' He never really understood what his parents meant, they were always telling stories about his ancestors and that they had done many things, with their 'gifts.' It all had a connection with water. Thomas's grandpa could breath underwater and got webs. He had swum many times with dolphins and whales in the middle of the ocean. His one aunt probably lived in the ocean and looked more like a fish than a human. And the aunt he was going to visit, had a weird band with sealife and could connect with them.

Well, that's a little bit strange right? Even weirder, is that Thomas's father, Tom, was just as normal as a human being. He had no gifts, or a special connection to something in the ocean, unlike the rest of his family. Like the genes had skipped his father and waited for Thomas to re-activate again.

Thomas definitely had the genes. He found that out when he was about 6.

He remembered it very clear: He was walking on the beach together with his parents. They saw some little kids catching crabs out of the water and laying it on the dry sand. The animals laid helpless while the children were laughing at it. Thomas began to cry and scream. "Bring those crabs back to sea! You're hurting them!" The children laughed at him and went on. Tom was about to save the crabs, but he didn't need to. Before he could even move, he heard Thomas shout.

"I said let them free!" He looked the children in the eyes with a dangerous look on his face and before everyone knew it, a huge tidal wave crashed onto the shore and flushed the crabs and children back to the sea. The children began to scream and went crying to their parents. Luckily it was a quiet day, so not many people had seen it. Tom immediately knew what was going on and he and his wife, Martha, decided to tell him everything about his families history. Tom let his sister come over to give Thomas lessons how he could handle his emotions without causing an accident. Those lessons were always boring and he always had to talk to his aunt about his feelings and how he could handle them.
Thomas started to get a normal life again but couldn't get along well with his classmates. They all thought he was weird, especially when he told everyone he could move water. His reputation stayed for the rest of middle school.

When Thomas grew older, he believed less in what happened. He had become a very calm boy, so he never had an 'accident with water' again. He started to doubt if all the stories his parents told him were true, and always laughed when his father warned him for what was about to come when he was 18. He always thought they had lost their minds.

This summer they went to England especially for this moment, so his grandparents and aunts could help him to learn more about his gifts and abilities he would get.

The first week they had arrived, they visited Thomas's grandparents. On land they were just normal people, so Thomas had no reason to believe all the things his parents said. He actually was thinking about buying his own boat to get away from them, before they would loose their mind completely. They hadn't visited Thomas's aunt yet, because she was on a trip to Hawaii last few weeks.

But now, here Thomas was, at the front door of the 'bunker.'

He still couldn't believe that his parents were maybe right. They had to be right. maybe they weren't totally crazy. Because Thomas could feel at the moment of the fight, that the water explosions were his fault, he felt the pression of the air get higher and he felt his anger being released in the form of the spouting water.

He had brought Lucy into danger. He felt stupid that he ran away back then, but he panicked because he realized he actually was different, just like his parents had said. And he wanted Lucy to be safe. What would she even be thinking of him right now?

"Ah, Thomas, there you are. Oh, how you've grown!" His aunt came outside, and welcomed the insecure boy standing in her front yard.

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