Chapter 5 - Friends?

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It was sunday evening again and after a day of swimming and a little sailing trip along the shore of Dover, Lucy and her father were ready to go home. Just as they packed their bags a boat sailed into the harbour. "Hey! It's our neighbours!" Lucy's father said excited and greeted them happily. "How was the trip? Ramsgate is lovely, isn't it?" The neighbours chatted back excitingly and Lucy became nausious again. Soon the two families met on the shore. The parents were busy talking, and Lucy and Thomas stood there awkwardly.

Then Thomas began to speak: "So, how are you? Feeling better already?" Lucy looked at him with a glance of hope in her eyes. "Eh yes, thanks for asking." She knew she had to make the next move to keep the conversation. "So how was Ramsgate? Did you like it there?" Thomas seemed happy and surprised that she finally talked back and told her about the trip. "There was also a hall with gambling games, I loved it there!"

Too excited about that subject Lucy couldn't help herself. "Yeah right! I love that hall! My dad always used to take me there." Both of them started laughing and Thomas's eyes shined brighter then before.

Then Lucy started to look serious. "Euhm, I want to apologise, for that German lesson last week. I wasn't having a good day and I took it out on you, I shouldn't have done that." Lucy immediately felt relieved that the high word was out and Thomas looked surprised. " Well, I totally understand that you were confused by my wonderful existence, so ofcourse I forgive you. Start over again?" He stuck out his hand and Lucy took it shyly. "Lucy right?" Thomas laughed. "Yeah, that's right." She said with a blush on her cheeks. Lucy's dad was already walking to the car and Thomas had to go back to the boat for dinner. "See you at school." Thomas smiled and turned around. Lucy waved and managed to say a "Bye." Then Thomas stopped and turned around. "Oh yeah I forgot, please don't tell anyone I live on a boat." Lucy looked weird. "Why?" She asked, but Thomas didn't hear her and walked away. Lucy didn't understand why it had to be a secret. What was cooler than living on a boat?

She stepped in the car and got a mysterious look from her father. "He is a nice guy, don't you think?" Lucy looked at him irritated.

"He's allright."

What her dad didn't know whas that Lucy felt exremely happy that she and Thomas were good again and that she had a change to become friends with him.

The butterflies in her stomach where something she still needed to get rid off.

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