Chapter 15 - Tsunami

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Lucy was just about to go to bed when she heard her phone vibrating. She hopeful looked up. It wasn't that she would get messages from anybody else, so she was almost sure it was him.

Hi Lucy, thank you for contacting me. I'm great and my aunt takes good care of me. I miss you and would lke to see you soon. Friday I hope to be fully recovered and arrive back at home, so meet me in the harbour at 8.00 pm.

Omg! Yes! He would be back soon. Lucy was very excited and could barely sleep. That week went by very slow and finally it was friday night. Lucy's dad was in the pub and Lucy could leave the house unnoticed. Her heart beated fast while she took her old bike and went to the harbour.

*A few hours earlier* 

Thomas! We have to go now or else you will miss the train! Thomas took his coat and followed his aunt. "Why do you want me to visit my parents anyways? I will also see them at saturday, when I can get back home." "Because, there is something there that you need for your last lesson." Gorta replied.

Once arrived at Dover, Thomas was welcomed by his parents who knew about Gorta's plan. It was just a normal afternoon, and Thomas talked by with his parents and complained about the 'useless lessons' he got from Gorta. Luckily he could go back home after this weekend. 

"Lucy came here today to work at the 'Wally' and she asked for you. We told her that you were coming and she would like to meet you at 8." Tom said. Thomas got happy and nervous at the same time. He would see Lucy again, after the shit that had happened.

He decided to walk around the harbour to clear his mind. There were many boats for sale. Thomas still dreamt of having his own boat and be independent from his parents.

* 7.57 pm* 

Thomas walked to the entrance of the harbour nervously and overthought what he should say to her. 

He didn't got much time to think, because when he arrived he saw Lucy cycling towards him. They both stopped when they saw eachother. Thomas turned red but so did Lucy.

She stepped of her bike and looked him in the eyes. The sunset lit up the already bright-blue colors of it. Lucy stood speechless and smiled. And so did Thomas. He broke the silence.

"Hey Lucy, it's good to see you. Are you okay?"

Before he could say anything else Lucy jumped in his arms. "It's so good to see you. I've missed you."

Thomas felt relieved. "I've missed you too Lucy."

Then he ran away, laughing. "Wait, were are you going?" Lucy laughed. Thomas took her hand. "Come, I have to show you something." Lucy's cheecks turned hot by the touch of his warm hands and came along. 

After a minute they stood still for a little boat, with a hole in the bow. "Meet my new future boat."
Lucy laughed. "Wow, what a particilar choice. It needs some repairations but I think it's cute."

"I know right?" Thomas laughed. And this time you can help me in return." "You wish."
For a moment, the two forget about all the misery from the past and walked to the beach, Lucy talking about all the news from the people at their school. 

Thomas laughed when he heard that Hannah and her boyfriend were always together smoking in the park, and that Hannah always looked scared when Lucy came near. I think she thinks one of us has magic powers or something, bullshit. Everyone with a little IQ could know that it probably was someone who threw a bomb in it or something. Only the timing was marvelous."

Thomas laughed. "Totally." Then he looked serious.

"Lucy I want to apologise for what happened. I acted like a jerk and at the end I left you because I was panicking. I was an aso." 

Lucy looked in his eyes full of guilt and smiled. "No it's okay. When you're panicking you can't control yourself. I get it. 

At least you came back."

Thomas had never been so relieved in times and in a reflex he wrapped his arms around Lucy and held her tight. "You're the best person ever. Thank you."

Then he slowly let go and they both looked in eachothers eyes, nervously laughing because of their close appearance. 

Without even thinking, their heads automatically went closer and Lucy could feel Thomas's breath on her nose. She looked into his eyes, which were very close all of the sudden.

Then they both closed their eyes and their lips met. Lucy wasn't even afraid of how to kiss, it just happened. She felt butterflies all in her stomach by feeling his warm lips and wrapped her hands around his neck.

Thomas got that warm feeling in his chest again, and never knew that a kiss could be so intense. The feeling in his chest got warmer every second. It felt like he was about to explode. 

Lucy let go as fast as she could when she saw mini-tsunami as grand as a house rising up from the sea, rolling towards them.


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