Chapter 9 - Choices

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The bell rang and Lucy walked out the school. She had her earphones in and hummed to the song she was listening to. Mr. Brightside was one of her favo songs and she was excited for the part where the singer would sing:

"I never!"

Wait. This part of the song wasn't there yet? Why did she hear that?

"I told you, I never liked you that much! Okay?"

Lucy looked around. This line didn't belong to the song at all. She plugged out her earphones and stood face to face to two people arguing and making extreme hand-gestures to eachother.

Then she saw Hannah slap Thomas's face. Shit, things were about to get serious. Before Lucy even doubted if she would do something, she saw Hannah walk away, leaving Thomas behind, looking cunfused and angry.

"Woww, what was thaaaat?" Lucy decided to act like she didn't see it and started to walk away, putting her earphones in again. This time the song 'Lucy Lucy' came on. She laughed because a song was specially written about her.

Lucy Lucy, oh when I saw you for the first time... tiimee.. tiimee...

"lucy LUCY!"

Well, what an aggressive song again, she thought. Then she got grabbed by her arm and looked into the eyes of Thomas.

"Wow, easy Thomas, I won't run away all of the sudden." Lucy looked at his hand still holding on to her arm. He let go, looking a bit ashamed and started to speak. "You saw us fighting didn't you?" Lucy turned red, because she had acted like she saw nothing. "Euhm yes... I guess. Well actually it was more you listening to Hannah screaming at you and being slapped."

Thomas scoffed. "Okay, you made a good point there. But I have a question for you cause I need your help!" Lucy doubted for a moment. "You aren't gonna set up some revenge for Hannah or something? Cause I don't want to be involved."

Thomas laughed at her. "Oh, about that, no, I already have forgotten about her. I accidentaly found myself having an extra ticket for a very interesting movie tonight. Would you help me get rid of it by coming along?" Lucy hesitated. It was definitely a ticket meant for Hannah. Now that he and Hannah probably aren't together anymore, she would just be a replacement for his ex? Lucy wasn't always treated well by the people around her, but luckily she knew how to treat herself right.

"Eh, actually I have other plans tonight, so sorry. I can't" She lied.
(but if chilling at home doing nothing counted as 'other plans' she told the truth)
Thomas looked disappointed. "Okay, see you tomorrow then."

Lucy felt guilty but decided she didn't owe him nothing. She wouldn't be a second option. Then she startled: O shit! Second option? Did I really think that? That isn't about friendship. She only would be a second option if it counted as a love-interest. Why would she automatically think she was a love-interest from Thomas? I hate myself, I really am a stupid donkey. Lucy went home ashamed of her own thoughts.

When she was almost home she heard a loud noise coming from the shed in the back of the garden. She was shook. Her father couldn't be there, because he had to work all day. Were there burglars? Not that there was anything interesting in the shed beside some old tools from dad. Slowly, Lucy walked to the noise. The door was open. Her heart bounced into her chest and with all her courage, she put her head around the corner.

"KA Ka KA!"

Lucy almost fainted from fear. She dived to the ground and almost got hit by the wings of two shreeking seagulls. She grunted. "Morons." Those birds were everywhere and became more brutal as the time passed. She checked if everything was still there and saw that only an old paint can had dropped on the ground. Lucy smiled. Her mom had used this paint once when she was decorating her surfboard. Her mother always loved surfing. She took Lucy once, but she didn't like it that much as she couldn't even lay normal on that board without falling. Where was that board, actually? She looked around and only saw some more paint cans and two old bycycles in the corner. When was the last time she had actually cycled? Nevermind.

Then she looked up. There it was: The surfboard, hanging from the ceiling with some ropes. In an impulse she took a ladder and freed the board. It still had the painting of a seaturtle on the top, and some waves on the side her mother had painted in detail. It was beautiful, it only had to be cleaned up a little, and then she could use it again. Lucy was surprised by herself that she wanted to start again. But who know her mother had left her some good surfing genes? She now was older and maybe a little bit more handy.

'Bzz.. Bzzz.'

Her father texted her: Sorry I have to work overtime today, see you at nine! xD

Typical for her dad to text like that.

Maybe this was a sign to go surfing this evening?

Lucy put on her old clothes, made a ponytail and started to prepare the board for her adventure.

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