"Anything left down here is ruined." Bellamy declared in a grumble.

"They must've distributed most of the supplies before the last bombs went off." the blonde observed, the three getting their hands on a few glow-sticks lying around; snapping them to help brighten things.

"Ahh, the beauty of hydrogen peroxide, tert butyl alcohol, and fluorescent dye." Dakota happily inhaled the musty air, gracefully waving her neon orange object around for a moment as if it were a wand able to cast spells.

"Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo, I wish for usable materials to be in you!" she playfully tapped it against a large crate she stumbled upon, soon opening the hefty container alongside Clarke; revealing a large stack of wooly blankets, neatly folded and untouched.

"I think this thing is magical." Dakota brought the bright glow-stick up to her face, jokingly widening her eyes at it.

"Hey! We found blankets." Clarke informed.

"Excited about a couple of blankets?" he huffed, tossing one of the chem-lights onto the grimy floors; his mind seeming to be able to only generate negative thoughts and feelings right now.

Dakota frowned. Bellamy had been particularly shut off since they had made contact with the Ark, but today was different. It felt as if he were working ten times harder to mask the fear and insecurity she knew was in him; something else bothering him had been added to the mix. She could tell Clarke saw it too, and both of them were tiptoeing around eggshells as if he would break at a moment's notice.

"Well... it's something." the Griffin girl professed, Bellamy storming past the two with a greatly annoyed shout; anger increasing with each vehemently exclaimed word.

"Well how about a canteen, or a med kit, or a decent fricken tent!"

Dakota glanced uneasily over at Clarke before setting down her make-pretend-wand-glow-stick and carefully approaching him; the boy staring into a gigantic vat filled with turbid liquid.

"Hey, take a breather for a minute." she gently placed a hand on his shoulder, Bellamy sighing as he glanced down at her concerned features.

Her innocent doe eyes made him start to crumble, his heart longing to simply tell the two girls of all his troubles and horrid plans; allow them to actually help him the way they'd been trying so desperately to do. His hard, ire mien faltered beneath her warm gaze; feeling himself relax for a blissful moment in time as he kept his eyes trained on her. But then he accidentally let his fingers fall into the metal barrel, tearing his eyes from her as he lifted his hand back up; sniffing the oil in disgust and growing angry all over again.

With an irritable roar, and a flinch from Dakota as she jumped back to avoid being splashed with the filthy grease, he kicked the large tub over in a rage; the fuel gushing out onto the floor. Everyone's attention was immediately stolen with the unexpected sound of clattering objects on the cold floor that followed his impulsive action. Bellamy squatted down by the fallen container, Dakota right behind him to closely observe; the two having vastly different reactions to their discovery.

"Oh my God." he breathed, blinking in admiration at the pile of guns that were splayed across the ground.

"What?" Clarke inquired with a pressing curiosity, scurrying over to the pair.

Bellamy excitedly held up one of the automatics with an enormous, childlike grin taking up half of his freckled face; pointing his lantern on it as he glanced up at them over his shoulder. A hefty streak of nerves came cascading down Dakota's spine as unease spiked in her chest. She hated the discovered weapons, but she liked that his mood had become immediately giddy, so she gulped and tried to move past her discomfort.

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