Preparing for the Dance!

Start from the beginning

Serena's face went red; apparently she hadn't been listening when Crystal announced it the first time after the Showcase.

"Elegant! Fun! Also, Aria, our previous Kalos Queen, will be attending to greet performers, and our guest of honor will be... our reigning Kalos Queen, and Champion might I add, Zenith Sawyer!"

"Hey, they mentioned you! Yay, Zenith!" Bonnie cheered.

"Guest of honor, huh? That's great!" Ash added.

"Au revoir until we meet again." He bowed, and the video ended, returning to Crystal's mail screen.

Bonnie turned to Zenith. "We all get to come, right?"

"Of course!"

Serena looked down at Eevee. "There's gonna be a lot of people there, so you better not mess this up for us, okay?"



"...So everyone has to have a date, huh?" Serena was suddenly nervous as she changed the subject

"And the Pokemon, or at least the ones out of their Pokeballs," Ash added. "How about Bunnelby for Eevee?"

Serena seemed confused. "Huh?"

"Good idea!" Clemont beamed. "Come on out, Bunnelby! Would you like to go to a dance party as Eevee's date?"

"I'm sure it's going to be a lot of fun! Think of all the performers there! And the dresses!"

Bunnelby nodded. "Byyy!"

"Then who's gonna go with Clemont?" Bonnie looked up at her brother.

Crystal and Zenith shared a glance before immediately, wordlessly shoving Pine forward. The brunette sent both her sisters a death glare over her shoulder before sighing and raising a hand. "I wouldn't mind..."

The blond blushed. "I-I'd be honored to go with a trainer like you...!"

Ash wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "You'll have a blast!"

"Oh my gosh! PINE CAN BE THE ONE TO TAKE CARE OF MY BROTHER!" Bonnie dropped to her knees in front of the heterochromatic girl, crying tears of joy. "THANK YOU SO MUCH!"

Both of them blushed as Zenith lifted Bonnie up, setting the blonde on her shoulders. "Don't torment them too much. The rest of us still have to find dates, too."

Serena sighed as she lifted up Bonnie. "Well, we'll have our chance later I guess," she told the brown-furred Pokemon. "At least you're a good dancer. I'm sure everybody's gonna love you."


Crystal looked at her phone. "Oh my, would you look at the time! It's late! We should head to bed early so we're all rested for the party! Not to mention we have outfits to pick, accessories to try on, hair and makeup to do, plans to make..."

"Yuki, don't stress about it. We'll be fine," Pine reminded her.

"Yeah, I know..."

Our heroes headed off to their rooms, Zenith tucking Bonnie in before leaving, ready to go to her room and tap out for the night, but when she shut the door to Bonnie's room behind her, she found a nervous-looking Ash standing in the hall waiting for her.

"Hey Ash, what's up?"

"Oh, nothing much." He let out a nervous laugh.

She raised an eyebrow. "You look worried. Is something bothering you?"

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