Troubling Twins!

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It's time for tea and planning how to find those Eevees again! 


"You mean you really saw two wild, dancing Eevees?" Clemont asked.

Zenith nodded. "They were so in-sync, too. Very graceful."

"I think Umbreon's jealous," Nic added, smiling over her cup as she saw her Dark-Type's ear twitch irritably, since she- as a performer as well- was used to receiving the most praise on her skills.

Ash took a sip of his tea. "Wow, whaddya know? Sorry for scaring the Eevees off, girls. I didn't know they were there."

"I felt like, when I watched the Eevees dancing, I could totally come up with a new routine! If I could have caught them I'm sure I would already have it down by now!" Serena exclaimed dramatically.

"I thought they were quite cute; I wish I could have seen more of their dancing," Bonnie said with a dejected sigh.

"Then why don't we get them to show you its moves again?" Ash prompted. "Didn't Zenith say you could go hunting for them again later?"

Bonnie's face lit up. "Yeah, she did! That'd be so nice, being able to see those Eevee again..."

"BUT REMEMBER, THEY'RE MY EEVEES! I WANT THEM! I'M GOING TO CATCH THEM AND PERFORM WITH THEM!" Serena shouted. Star shook her ears and nuzzled her head into Zenith's neck, as if trying to escape the sound.

"If we do find them again, you guys she try to be quiet as not to scare them away," Clemont suggested.

"Which means no more yelling," Pine added under her breath.

"You're right about that," Ash replied before Serena could get angry at anyone again. Once everyone finished their tea, Ash and Zenith stood up. "Eevees, here we come!"

At first everyone started to come, but they quickly realized a group of fifty-some odd people and Pokemon would do nothing but frighten them, so Crystal, Red, and Shadow opted to stay behind. Zenith lead the group with Bonnie and Nic at her sides, her Lycanroc searching for the scent, while Serena continuously tried to butt ahead of them. Clemont and Pine followed a bit behind them, studying the ground for any tracks that could lead to them, and Ash was there because he was Ash.

"They were around here before, so where are they now!?" Serena whined.

Zenith stifled the urge to roll her eyes. She instead looked to her Espeon. "Espy, think you can help track them and lead us there?"

"Espy es," the Psychic-Type affirmed. Her eyes and the stone on her head began to glow as she started sensing for the auras of those nearby.

"It's... just like my Living Thing Finder Mark Two," Clemont said softly, as if anyone knew what that meant. Zenith turned around to see him.

"Espeon can sense auras naturally, so she's always been my living tracker, so to speak. And she isn't prone to blowing up, unlike many of your inventions."

"Shots fired," Bonnie giggled.

The Psychic-Type and Nic's Rock-Type led them into the forest, weaving between trees and around bushes, until the former kinked her tail once and letting it freeze again. Stop.

"What is it, Espy?" Zenith whispered to the Pokemon, watching as Lycanroc tentatively smelled the air.

Slowly, the Espeon raised her head, and Zenith followed her gaze to the tree ahead of them. It was mostly shaded thanks to the many leaves and other plants in the forest blocking out the sunlight, but she could spot a few hints of brown and cream fur among the branches.

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