Act 1 : 16 - Fight!

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Leon POV


I watch as the Cadets deploy into Trost. Not many of these will make it.

It's difficult, it's hard, it's unforgiving. So young, but thrown straight into battle they have little chance of winning. The oldest is sixteen, just a bunch of teenagers who don't have a choice. I know for a fact that none of these would've wanted this. Well...... except the Colossal and Armoured Titan. Whatever they are. They're not normal, and that's a given.

I sigh as I notice a particular person deploy with the Elite Squad. I deploy my hooks and follow.

I follow as they all reach rooftops of multiple buildings. I land on the same one as her, "Ackermann." I call.

She stops walking and looks over her shoulder, "I know I said to put everything aside. But when the time is right, find Eren and protect him. He needs you just as much as you need him." I say stoically before turning around.

"Oh, thank you. I will." She says lowly before I zip away.

I fly back to the Garrison HQ and land on the highest point to get a good view of the middle guard.

I notice a number of Titans roaming freely, either the front guard allowed them to slip through or they got wiped out. I fear for the latter, no way a load of Titans would slip through that easily.

I notice below many squads deploying into the middle guard. Unfortunately, a majority of those won't make it out alive. I just hope they found something in my speech to keep them going.

I notice stray Titans over near the river, there was no chance any squad could get there in time before they slip into the rear guard.

I leap off of the highest point and dive down, just before I reach the ground I activate my gear and slingshot up, I traverse as fast as I can over to the group.

With using minimal gas I arrive, there was five Titans in total. Nothing I couldn't handle.

I attach my hooks to the first and reel in, slicing the nape clean off. I look around for my next target but my eyes widen when I notice a abnormal darting straight towards me.

"Shit! Six of the bastards." I mumble as I quickly manoeuvre out of the path of the abnormal.

I land on a rooftop and the abnormal collided with the Titan I killed. I go in for the kill, and moments later it's lifeless body lays on the floor. Atop another ugly bastard.

"That's big number seventy. Seventy of those ugly bitches I've killed now. It seems like so much more." I mumble to myself.

A minute passes by before the other four Titans are decaying on the ground. After a scan of the area and I know that there are no more Titans around this area I head towards the rear guard.

On my way I notice a abnormal in the distance, heading straight for the gate.

Shit...... that's going to kill a lot of people......

I accelerate my pace, using a little more of my gas to make it in time.

The Titan turns a corner and arrives at a straight road heading for the gate.

"Fucking abnormals, why do you make life so much more difficult?" I accelerate faster and faster.

Though before I can arrive to slay the beast, and before it can arrive to kill countless civilians, a certain ravenette slices the nape and falls with it.

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