Act 1 : 13 - Hope, Willpower And Sanity

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Leon POV

One Year Later


A year later, wow...... well at least things have been going smoothly, my post traumatic stress disorder is affecting me lesser, and I'm finally beginning to go back to a normal life. Thankfully...... but I just can't help that today...... today will not be a good day...... at all......

"Cadets! Today is a very special day! Today until the end of the week, we have the visitors! Inspectors to watch you train! These inspectors are from each of the three Regiments you will potentially have the choice of choosing in a year and a half's time! Today's inspectors are from the Survey Corps!" Commandment Keith Sadies yells as he trots back and forth between the rows of Cadets.

The Survey Corps? Maybe I'll get to see Petra......

"Today's inspectors include, Section Commander Hange Zoë, Corporal Ida Havertz and Corporal Levi! I expect each and every one of you grunts to treat them with respect! Understood?!" Keith continues.

I get a mix of emotions, I frown when he doesn't mention Petra. I haven't been able to speak to her in about a year. But I'm also surprised at the mention of Ida, I knew her but I never knew her second name was Havertz, the same as mine. Though I'm certain we don't share a relation.

"Yes Sir!" We all salute as one.

"Good. You know what day it is, so get your asses to the mud plains!" Keith commands.

The mud plains were introduced after our first year in training. It was a large plain of wet mud. We would do many kinds of drills in the mud plains. Hand to hand combat, circuit training, all in an attempt to get us filthy muddy. When it was dry we would pour water over the plains before we started. Luckily it rained last night, so the plains were quite muddy already.

I few many quiet groans after Keith mentioning the plains. Everyone hates it, except me. I actually quite like the mud plains. I don't mind getting wet and muddy. It's just a little mud after all?

"Yes Sir!" We salute, some reluctantly begin to jog down to the plains.

"Weird that the Survey Corps are here to see us." Armin changes the subject beside me.

"Ida Havertz, is she your sister?" Mikasa asks.

"I know who she is, but I've never known her second name." I shake my head. Mikasa only nods.

"We have to do well! To impress them." Eren says enthusiastically.

"Yeah, I guess." I shrug my shoulders.


We approach the mud plains, it was boggy and disgusting to most. I just saw it as nature.

"There they are!" Eren yells as he points towards three people waiting patiently by the storage shed.

They all wore a green cloak, one was shorter than the others, and had black hair. I knew that was the Corporal. One was a bit taller and had a ponytail, her hair was a chocolatey colour. I knew her as Hange from Petra's descriptions. And the person who stood out the most was the women with light lilac hair. Who I know as Ida.

"She looks familiar." Armin points out.

"She was with Petra before she went on her first expedition." I say.

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