Act 1 : 15 - Trost

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One Year Later

Leon POV


Swift and quickly I arrive at the Garrison Headquarters. Landing on one of the roof tops, I see most of the Cadets scurrying to line up in front of Kitz Woermann. The Garrison Captain in charge of the First Division Elite Squad.

I notice him, as well as the rest of the Cadets hold a terrified expression. Though Kitz is trying his best to hide it. It isn't working well. But do you blame him? I'm the only one here who's not panicking like shit.

I pull my hood down more and jump off of the roof, landing gracefully. I walk towards Kitz, though I wasn't a higher rank than him, me being a 'graduate' alone allows me to stand with him. As he will soon petrify the Cadets once they line up.

"Who are you? Scout? And what is your kind doing here?" Kitz raises brows. To be fair it is a bit unusual for a Scout to be hanging around Trost alone. Especially when the whole Regiment left for a expedition hours ago.

"I was supposed to bring supplies and assist the expedition for when they were returning. Though when the gate got kicked in, my men died. I'm the only survivor." I stop next to him and face towards the Cadets.

"You know what it's like out there better than anyone here, you know a Titan inside out. Your expertise will prove very valuable." I hear a voice call from behind me. I turn my head slightly and see Garrison Elite Squad Member, Ian Dietrich. He walks beside me and stops. Facing towards the Cadets.

I only nod before facing the front. The midst of Cadets finally begin to calm as they notice an impatient Kitz glaring towards them. In the crowd, three people catch my eye. I only catch a brief look before I force myself to pull my hood down and look down.

I sigh, I've been hiding away from them for more than a year. Have they forgotten about me? What happens if I tell them?

I shake my head and try to detain those thoughts, though luckily Kitz brings me out of them with a loud, shaky voice.

"Cadets! The Defence Plan is in place! You all know your roles! If we lose now, humanity is doomed! Prepare for deployment immediately!" He screeches.

I don't even have to look up to see the petrified faces on majority of the Cadets. Way to put pressure on......

Kitz walks away towards a building. Ian follows. Some Cadets rush once again to prepare their gear, though most do not. Some walk over to a corner and roll into a ball. Some begin to have panic attacks. And some even begin to vomit.

They clearly needed something to lift them, though it would take something big. And if no one else cared to notice their state or morale, then I'll be the one responsible to lift it. Though it could easily go just as wrong as right. It could make them feel worse, so I had to be careful.

I stand in Kitz place and clear my throat, "Cadets?" I raise my voice in a calm manner, some stop what they're doing and look, though ones in a corner, having panic attacks and those puking are oblivious to my call. A sudden tension rises as the yard grows quiet, besides the quiet sobs and gagging.

Destiny Of The Divine - AOT x OC Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu