Act 1 : 19 - Final Stand

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Armin POV


"I don't think he's happy to see us." Eren rubs his temple.

"Something's bothering him. But it's been over a year, there's no way of telling what it is. He doesn't seem to want to tell us either." I frown.

I look at Mikasa, she's looking down and frowning. I walk over to her.

I stop in front of her. She looks up and sighs, "I don't know why. I went too far. I shouldn't have said any of that. I didn't mean it, I really didn't...... I'm- I'm such a-" She sighs at a stump for words.

It's like she had read my mind, already knew what I was going to ask, I sigh, "Do you still, like him?" I ask.

She looks away, and ponders about my question. She glances at Eren briefly, "N-No." She looks at me with a small crimson blush. I could tell she was lying.

I look towards Eren, he was sat on the floor facing opposite from us, though he was looking over his shoulder. Listening to our conversation. That's why she lied......

"Okay," I turn around, "I'm gonna go and talk to the Commander. Figure out a plan." I say before walking towards Commander Pyxis. Leaving Mikasa and Eren alone.


Leon POV


Pyxis presented Eren to the world. We were currently waiting for final preparations and a clear plan.

"Hey, Leon," I hear behind me. I turn around to see Ian. I nod, "You sure you can do this? Your hand is badly injured." He points towards my left hand. Which was doused in bandages.

"I'll manage." I give him a small tight lipped smile.

"Okay," Ian pauses, "You're really brave. Standing up to the Garrison like that. Not many people I know would do that. If any at all." He shrugs.

"Thank you. I was just protecting the people who mean the most to me though. Anyone else would've done it." I shrug and turn around and begin walking towards Armin and Pyxis' security detail.

"Hey Leon." I'm greeted by Armin and a smile. I nod and lean against a stack of crates. Armin frowns at my lack of response. Glancing around I see Mikasa sitting down on the edge of the Wall. Staring into Trost. I also see the Elite Squad with Eren.

"How's the plan?" I ask.

"It's looking good. We're going to rally everyone at the furthest corner away from the boulder. While we have Eren and a detail sneak over to the boulder. Eren will turn into a Titan and carry the boulder over to the gate. His detail will kill the surrounding Titans." He explains.

"Alright. Sounds good. I'm guessing I'm with Eren?" I cross my arms.

"Yes, you, Mikasa and the Garrison Elite Squad." He answers.

"Okay, well let's get going." I get off the stack of crates and begin to walk towards Mikasa.

"Mik- Ackermann, come on. We're about to go." I call for her.

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