Act 1 : 4 - Hand Of Fate

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Leon POV


"What the-"

The ground shakes and suddenly masses of debris fly into the air. Dozens of people around us begin to scream and run towards the inner gate. Pushing past us, who are too shaken with shock.

"W-What's happening?" I ask, tears begin to brim my eyes of the scary situation. Debris fly down onto us, trapping and killing everyone unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"I-I...... I think it broke the gate." Armin gulps. Our eyes widen.

"I-Impossible......" I shake my head in denial.

Though as much as I wanted to not believe him, he was right. As what came into view at the end of the street, was a big, naked human.

A Titan......

"Mom!" Eren screams in fear as he dashes away with Mikasa. Leaving me and Armin in the dust.

Armin, too shaken with fear darts away. Leaving me all alone in a swarm of panicking people. A Titan slowly making its way to me.

A sudden thought in mind shakes me from my frozen state, Uncle!

I begin running away as fast as possible, in the direction of my Uncle's house near the river.

I run towards Uncle's house as fast as I can, avoiding the fleeing crowd of petrified people as well as the raining debris.

I take a shortcut through a alley, though it would turn out to be the worst mistake I've made.

A tall figure rises over a building to the right of me, I turn to look. It's dark beady eyes, and their inhumane expression, eyeing me as their next meal.

I freeze on the spot, too terrified to move.

Were these my last moments? Dying alone, to the hands of a Titan?

I can't see Petra again, I can't see uncle or auntie. I can't see my friends. Is this really it? My eyes grow watery.

The Titan uses a hand to reach over the house and slowly moves towards me.

This is it... I sniffle and tear up. Some rolling down my cheeks.

"Hey! Kid! Run!" A sudden voice of a man pulls me out of my last thoughts. I snap my head towards the voice to see an ordinary man running towards me. My eyes widen, what was he doing?

I look back at my fate, the hand is edging closer to me, I can almost feel the warmth it provides.

The hand of fate is feet away from grabbing me, I close my eyes and accept that I'm going to die, but seconds before I could, I hear a scream and I get pushed to ground.

My eyes spring open and I sit up, I look to what's happened, my eyes widen in horror when I see the man in the hands grasp. He screams and wails his arms and legs, but it's already too late.

The man chose to save me, at the sacrifice of his life.

The hand reaches the Titans mouth, they bite down and blood splatters everywhere. It storms upon me and his warm blood covers me.

Destiny Of The Divine - AOT x OC जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें