Escaping the House

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Doppio stood in front of the exit to the room but he wasn't moving. He was just staring at me with a dumbfounded look.

   " Doppio move out of the way. "

   " But, where is-"

Doppio leaned further into the room and found Kira still working on cutting his nails and then he understood the situation. Doppio shook his head and stayed in the doorway.

   " I'm not moving. You can't leave. "

   " Doppio, please. I want to leave, I don't want to be here or used as leverage. I'm not an item you know! "

   " I know you're not but we still need you here. "

   " No you don't you just see me as something to use against my friends! Now, move out of the way. "

   " But wouldn't you rather be here under my protection? If I remember correctly you said you were having problems with your friends. They were keeping secrets from you and they didn't really treat you right did they? Dio mentioned that he found you alone a lot of nights walking around and none of your friends were with you to protect you. Even when they knew Diavolo was watching you. Why not stay here with me? I've protected you from the others so far, so just trust me to protect you here. "

   " Doppio it's not about who is protecting me. It's about the fact that I was kidnapped and you had to fight for my life. I'm not safe here with people who want me dead. And another thing, I can protect myself! "

My stand appeared and teleported me out of the room and into the hallway. I ran away from Doppio's back and went towards one of the windows. I pulled the curtain and look outside to see the trees, streets, and the sun shining. My stand grabbed my arms and prepared to teleport outside.

   " I knew I should have killed you that night. "

I looked over to the deep voice who said that and I didn't see Doppio in front of the door anymore. Instead, I saw the man that was trying to kill me, and he was glaring at me. HIs stand formed in front of him and I looked back outside before he could attack me. My stand gripped my arms tightly and I was teleported outside. The air felt a little chilly, but it was nice to be outside instead of in the house of killers. Without a second thought, I started running from the side of the building and I ran the same way I did the other night before Dio caught me. The sun was bright, but the heat didn't consume me as I ran. I ran until I thought I was a good distance away from the big house and I started to walk in the direction. I didn't want to stop moving so I didn't stop walking until I found my neighborhood. I spotted Melina's house first and I spotted the Joestar manor second. I walked towards the door to the manor, and I opened it. It was quiet inside when I stepped in and shut the door behind me. I locked the door for my own paranoia and I walked further into the house. I started hearing noise when I walked up the stairs to get to the next floor.

   " I still don't understand why we don't just burst in there! Come on it's been what, three days? We can plan as it goes. " Joseph yelled.

   " No, if we don't then it could put her life at more risk than it is already. We can't go into their territory and save her with no plan. We don't know the layout or anything. All we have is a layout of the outside. " Jonathan said trying to reason.

I walked towards the door to Jonathan's study and peeked inside. Everyone was gathered in the room. Jonathan sat at his desk looking over blueprints and papers that I recognized from Melina's files. Joseph was standing up and pacing around the room with his fingers holding his chin; thinking. Giorno and Josuke were sitting in the chairs in front of Jonathan's desk, while Jotaro was standing by the window smoking a cigarette. 

   " Is it possible we could send someone to help her on the night of the ball? "

   " No, we need everyone there. They'll show up with her or they won't come at all. They're going to try and hold her life against us so we don't make a move. They're not going to put the only person, who can give them the upper hand, in a position full of risk. We need to be ready for the fact they do show up with her or for the situation where they don't have her with them. " Giorno said.

   " Why don't we just go over there and try to figure out where she is before we look any further into this? " Josuke said.

   " Or, you could let her get herself out and back home before her boys do something stupid. " You said stepping into the room. 

Everyone looked up at you and took in a breath. Joseph was the first to hug you and he was smiling brightly.

   " Ha! Look at you getting yourself out of trouble. You've grown so much. "

   " Shut up you big muscle loaf! "

   " Your muscle loaf! "

   " Joseph that's enough! " Jonathan said pulling Joseph off of me. 

   " I'm glad you're back. We were worried. " Jonathan said hugging me gently.

   " As I saw. "

Jonathan pulled back and I was tackled to the ground by Josuke. Josuke wrapped his arms around my body and hugged himself closer to me.

   " Y/n! I'm sorry! I was just looking out of the window and the next thing I know I'm hit on the head and I'm on your bed. I should have been more careful. "

   " I agree, but I also think that you should calm down a bit. I'm fine. All I have are just a few marks here and there. "

Josuke got off of you and stood with the others. Giorno stood from his chair and embraced you in a hug. 

   " I'm glad that you're okay. I'm sorry I left you alone. "

   " You didn't know it would happen. "

   " Still, I'll make it up to you. "

Giorno placed a kiss on my cheek and backed away from me. Joseph and Josuke seemed to hate the gesture and they glared at him while he stood between them like nothing was wrong. Jotaro blew the smoke out of his lungs and walked towards me. He didn't say anything but he put his hand on my head. I smiled up at his gesture, but he looked away so I couldn't see his face. 

   ' Yeah, this is better. '

Neighbors With The Joestars (JJBA x Reader ( Parts 1-5 ))Where stories live. Discover now