Transferring Ownership

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   " It's nice to meet you. So, let's discuss these papers. "

The waitress came back with our drinks and set them on the table. I thanked her as she walked away and took a sip of my drink. Kira started searching through the papers until he got to a certain one in the stack. He pulled it out and handed it to me.

   " This paper is what I was talking about when I said 'transfer ownership'. Melina had contacted me a week before your arrival and asked about the land as a whole. She said that she is going to be flying away in a week and that she won't be back for a while. She asked what she could do with the house at that time. I didn't understand what she meant until she said that she had a friend that was coming to stay. "

   " Me. "

   " Correct, I said that you would be in charge of everything. I said it's like a babysitter looking after a child. She said that that's not what she wanted. She spoke very cryptically. She had mentioned how she wanted to give the house to you. She had stated that she didn't want you to pay anything until a certain time of the year. That's when I said you can transfer your ownership of the house, and pay the bills for a limited amount of time before you start paying for them yourself. "

   " Okay, but wouldn't you need my signature saying that I agree? "

   " We do. But when I met her she had returned the papers the next day with your signature. That's why I am confused as well as you. She has your signature where you needed to sign and it was in a different writing than hers. You never signed the papers, did you? "

   " No, I didn't. I didn't even know she wanted to transfer the ownership to me. All I know is that she asked me to watch her house until she returned. "

   " Well, it seems she has no intention of returning. "

   " How long have the bills been paid for? "

   " A year. After that, it would be up to you to pay for them yourself if you do or do not live in the house. It's now in your name, whether we like it or not. And since neither of us can get in touch with her it must remain in your custody until she arrives back. "

   " But you said that she has no intention of coming back. What do I do with the house? "

   " Well, you could sell it. My company could repossess the house since your signature was forged, but it is up to you. I don't usually offer this but I will after seeing your situation. If you can give me your actual signature then I can replace the one she gave us, and the bills will be paid for a year. You will own the house. "

   " So, either I own the house or you take it back. "

   " Correct. I'll give you some time to think about it, and you can contact me later. "

   " Alright. Thank you. "

Kira took the papers and placed them in his briefcase and then looked back at you. His eyes lingered on your hands and he found himself being pulled into a trance while looking. He didn't realize you started speaking until your hand moved.

   " So, Melina didn't tell you anything? "

   " No, she did not. She said that she was going away for work and wanted to transfer ownership. Before that, I didn't have any contact with her until she bought the house and lived in it. "

   " It seems to be that way for a lot of people. Melina didn't really socialize. "

   " How did you two meet? "

   " We met our senior year of high school and then stayed together through college. "

   " A long friendship. That's nice not many people have relationships from high school. You two are lucky. "

   " I know, but now I feel betrayed after figuring out she's not coming back. "

Kira took the opportunity that wasn't really presented to him and held your hand. You looked at him curious about his movements. His hand felt cold against yours and it gave you some discomfort.

   " I'm sorry. "

   " It's nothing for you to apologize for. They're Melina's actions, not ours. "

You pulled your hand away and set your drink to the side. You were ready to leave the cafe seeing as the business was taken care of and that Kira made you uncomfortable. You were about to stand from the table when the doors to the cafe opened, with a loud bang. You looked at the door to see Josuke and two other people standing beside him. He was looking in your direction, and his face looked angry. He walked over to your table and pulled you out of the seat. 

   " Y/n, what are you doing with him? " He shouted at you.

He pointed at Kira and you were confused. He held your wrist tightly, but it didn't hurt.

   " What do you mean? I had to meet with the landlord today and that's Mr. Yoshikaga. Why? And also, you're out of school why are you not home? "

   " Y/n, let's go. "

Josuke dragged me out of the cafe, and away from Kira. He walked away from the cafe with my wrist still in his hand. His two friends were following behind us. 

   " Josuke, you can let me go. And who are these two following us? "

Josuke slowed and started walking and he looked back at you. He let go of your wrist but decided to hold your hand instead. 

   " The tall one is Okayasu. The other guy is Koichi. They're my friends that I was telling you about on that one day. We were walking around chatting when I saw you in there with him. "

   " Josuke what's wrong with him? We were just talking about the house. "

   " I don't care. I don't want you to be with him again unless I'm there. Let's just say he's not a good person and if you weren't there with all of those people I would have punched his teeth out. "

Neighbors With The Joestars (JJBA x Reader ( Parts 1-5 ))Where stories live. Discover now