A New Character

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   ' Where am I? '

My head was pounding, and it was the worst headache I've had in a few weeks. I looked around the room, and I didn't recognize it. It was dark in the room, but there was a fireplace lit in front of the bed I was laying at. No one else was in the room with me.

   ' I'm guessing I was kidnapped. Great, that's exactly what I wanted to go through today. '

I swung my legs off of the bed and stood up from the bed. I streatched my arms above my head and walked towards the window. I looked outside to see that it was still night and the stars were shining in the sky. 

   " Before I was knocked out it was night. So, I must not have been asleep for long. "

I walked to the door and tugged on the handle. The door came towards me, meaning it was unlocked, and I looked into the hallway. I didn't see anyone in the hallway and I slowly stepped out. I pulled the door towards me, with the handle still twisted, and when the door hit the doorway I let go and the lock went into the wall. 

   ' No one should have heard me leave. The door didn't slam and I shut the door with the handle twisted so no one could hear the door lock go into the wall. '

I walked down the hallway, and none of the windows were open. They were all blocked by the curtains. The lights on the walls lit the entire hallway, and nothing looked old; everything looked modern. I reached the end of the hallway and saw the stairs descending to the first floor. I took the first step to go downstairs, but I heard footsteps coming closer to the stairs. I backed away from the stairs and went to one of the rooms in the hall. The room was beside the stairs so I wasn't far away. I opened the door and went inside, shutting the door behind me. The room I was in was dark, with no lights on, and I shut the door. I felt myself get consumed in darkness and I didn't like the feeling of standing in the dark, waiting for the person to walk up the stairs and by the door. I leaned against the wall and listened for the footsteps to pass by. Whoever it was wore boots or some type of heel, because I could hear it clearly against the floor. The sound of their heels got closer until they passed by the door. I waited for another second before opening the door and looking into the hall. I looked at the back of someone making their way down the hall. Their back was bare, and their pants were purple. I recognized the man with his bright pink hair and black dots in his strands. I slowly stepped out of the room and my stand floated around me. I looked at a section of the stairs, and I blinked finding myself standing where I was looking at.

   ' Looks like my stand and I are in agreement. '

I looked further down the stairs to see the bottom, and I teleported to the last step. I looked around the wall and saw a hallway leading to the front door. I put one foot on the floor, and slowly started making my way to the door. Step after step I got closer and closer to the door. I got to the first doorway in the room and I looked around the corner and saw a purplehaired man sitting on the couch. His head was tilted down and he wasn't looking my way. I couldn't see his face, because the couch's back faced me along with his head. I looked at the spot across from me, where the doorway ended, and I teleported there. I continued walking forward and I reached for the door handle. I grabbed the handle gently and turned it.

   " I thought I heard someone's blood rushing through their veins. "

My hand was grabbed and twisted around. My wrist was pinned to the door and I was turned to look at the man in front of me. He wasn't wearing a shirt, or pants for that matter, and his hair was purple and long. His hair streatched past his lowerback, and there were no shoes on his feet, only tight rings. With no pants on he was left wearing what looked like a thong with a cloth hanging from the waistband in the front and the back. He had some horns on the top of his head and his violet eyes glared down at me.

   " It seems you woke up sooner than what we expected. "

   " Who are you? And where in the world am I? "

   " You are in a house human, and whach your tone. I won't take someone speaking to me with disrespect. "

   " I'm asking again, who the hell are you? "

   " My name is Kars, young one. "

   " Well, Kars, I want to leave so if you don't mind letting go. "

   " I don't mind at all, but there are some people that do, so you're staying here. "

   " Sure, and you'll wear pants. "

My stand sent a punch towards him, and his fist connected with Kars cheek. Kars hit the wall and glared up at me.

   ' He can't see stands. He's not a stand user, this might be easier than I thought. '

   " So, you have one of those spirits? Of course, no matter. "

My stand kicked him away from us and I opened the door to leave. The door led outside, and I ran down the walkway, and looked at the house behind me.

   ' Wait this is Dio's house. '

I knew it was Dio's because we walked by it and he pointed it out to me. Dio never let me inside, but he said he could when somethings were taken care of.

   ' Dio is in on this too!? '

   " I'm sorry my dear. "

I turned around, and my stand grabbed the man's wrist before they could knock me out again. When I turned around I saw Dio standing directly behind me, looking at my stand.

   ' He can see my stand, so he has one, but where is it? '

   " Dio, you kidnapped me? "

   " No, it was someone else. They're just an acquaintance of mine that I helped. It's nothing my dear. Why don't we talk before something rash happens. "

   " I don't want to talk! I want to leave, you kidnapped me, why would I want to stay with my kidnapper!? "

   " You don't have a choice, my dear. Now get in the house before I make you. "

   ' If this is Dio's house then the Joestar's are not that far away! I need to get around him. '

My stand sent a punch his way, but he dodged it. My stand let go of Dio's wrist and continually threw punches at him, and while pushing him back. When he was far enough I started running to the sidewalk and down the street to find the Joestar manor.

   " I will not have this! The World! "

In the blink of an eye Dio appeared in front of me and he had hit my neck with his hand. His hand hit the right spot on my neck, to send me into darkness.

Neighbors With The Joestars (JJBA x Reader ( Parts 1-5 ))Where stories live. Discover now