Time with Dio

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A little while is supposed to be a few minutes, but you stayed for an hour and a half contemplating everything. When you did stand up and start walking off the bridge the sun was almost ready to set, but you didn't feel bad about going back late. You would at least get to see the stars. You felt your phone vibrant and you held it to your face to read what was sent.

Jonathan: Y/n, sweetheart, we are sorry about not telling you, but would you please come home? Dinner is almost ready and we're worried about you.

Jotaro: Where are you?

You replied to both of them and said that you were just on a walk. You didn't say specifically where but you told them that you were safe. You kept walking until you saw the square. There was a walkway leading from the bridge to the square in the middle of the shopping center in town. Shops lined the streets and in the middle was a fountain. It was tall and the water flowing from it was cold. You sat down on the fountain and looked up at the stars that were appearing in the dark sky. 

   " Is your car battery dead again? "

You looked up and spotted Dio walking towards you. He had on the same face as he did last time. One that didn't show emotion.

   " No, I was just out for a walk. I found this fountain and decided to sit down and look at the stars. "

   " There are no clouds tonight, so they should be visible. "

   " They are and it's a beautiful sight. "

   " May I join you? "

   " Sure. "

Dio walked closer to the fountain and sat down beside you. The sun was gone now and it was just the stars and the dark sky left, waiting for the sun to come back. The breeze was cold, and so was the water from the fountain, but you kept your composure and pretend you weren't cold.

   " How was your day? "

   " It wasn't too bad, how was yours, my dear? "

   " It was...interesting. "

   " How so? "

   " I met with the landlord about the house, but I also had an argument with the Joestars. "

   " Really, now? What was the argument over? "

   " They're not telling me some things and it's starting to get ridiculous at this point. They need to tell me but they won't. "

   " Is the information interfering with your life so much? "

   " It is. It's getting on my nerves at this point because they're not telling me what I need to know. "

   " So, you came out for a walk. "

   " Yeah, and now I'm just sitting here, with you and gazing at the stars. "

   " It doesn't sound so bad. At least you have company. "

   " Thanks. It's just better to walk away than to argue with a brick wall. Or in my case multiple brick walls. "

   " Have you eaten yet, dear? "

   " No, not yet. Jonathan messaged me and said dinner was ready but I'm not ready to go back yet. "

   " What happened to Melina's house? You're talking like you live with the Joestars. "

   " Someone broke into the house and they damaged one of the rooms. So, the Joestars decided to take me in until it's fixed up. "

   " I see. Allow me to treat you then to a meal. Then I will walk you back. How does that sound? "

   " Good. It sounds good. "

Dio stood up and offered you his hand and you took it. He guided you away from the fountain and towards a small restaurant. He asked for a table for two and the waiter led you to a table outside, underneath the stars. You both ordered drinks and food. You both talked and had long conversations until the food arrived with the drinks. You found yourself enjoying your time with Dio. He made you smile with all gestures and jokes here and there. When the bill came you took it in your hand and looked at how much it all cost. You set the bill on the table and started looking through the money you kept in the back of your phone case. When the waiter came back You tried to hand him the bill, but the only problem was that Dio took the check and handed the waiter the money needed to pay for it.

   " I was going to pay for it. "

   " 'Was' my dear.  I'm paying for it. I am a gentleman after all and it would disgrace my name if I let a lady pay the check. "

You shook your head and stood from your chair. Dio stood from his and escorted you out of the restaurant. You both started walking in the direction of your home, stopping to get a little dessert before you left town. When you reached the street you saw the house in sight. When you stood in front of it you turned to Dio.

   " This is where we say goodnight and I go inside and hopefully get some explanations. "

   " I hope you do. If you ever need somewhere to go, remember I don't live too far from here. "

   " Thanks, Dio. I appreciate the offer. I won't keep you any longer. Good night. "

   " Good night, my dear. "

Dio held your hand and kissed it. He let go and watched you walk into the Joestar house, leaving him to walk towards his own and to take a peek at Melina's house.

Neighbors With The Joestars (JJBA x Reader ( Parts 1-5 ))Where stories live. Discover now