🌺Chapter 2🌺

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    I feel like I've known that name somewhere. But where though? As I kept thinking for a moment I dazed till I hear "What would your name be doll?" "I-I'm Henry, Henry Stein. Pleased to meet you!" "Indeed, you too as well darling.~" I blushed a little more kept it cool.

       He settled my hand down and grab a cigarette from inside his suit. So this guy smokes. Huh.  I looked at the ground thinking of what to do next. 

      "Lovely singing you performed out there toots. I'm honored I heard your singing instead of me being in my office listening to it on the radio. Radio audios have bad quality on recording the performances on talk shows and singing. Glad I made it on time." He says while smoking. I waved my hands in the air to clear the smoke from me ever smelling of whiffing it. 

          I smiled as I was trying to get to the door of getting out of this bathroom. I think it was a good idea to talk here, but I feel like it was a weird way to talk here instead of out there.

     "If it's alright with your can we head outside so we can speak more clearly instead of here? I feel like this is weird making a conversation here instead of somewhere pleasant." He nodded his head I sighed in relief. He opened the door for us to leave the bathroom. "Ladies first or should I say Man first?"  I chuckled as he said that but went ahead as instructed.  We headed to the back doors towards the backstage area. He closed the door behind us like we are supposed to do anyway.

       It had gotten darker now. Strange. "Well, it was nice meeting you Bendy. But I must go home right now. I have to feed my cat on the way there if you don't mind." He smokes his last breath and drops the cigarette on the ground between us, smashed it with his shoe. Littering but think I everyone does here and nobody sweeps here either.

      "Henry! Bud whatcha doing here in this back alleyway? I was looking all over" He stopped in his track once he noticed the Ink Demon I was beside to. Guess I turned into that since I saw him like that for a little moment, but still he was scary at first sight. I was going to respond till he ran up to me and pulled me from the side by my arm. 

     "O-Ow! Joey what the heck?! You didn't have to do that since I was going to introduce to y-" "Bendy." "Joey. A pleasure to meetcha. Whatcha doing here? I thought you were still collecting my money payment that you still owe me for over 30 years? Hmm?"

       I was shocked by this. How did Joey meet Nedy? When did Joey have to owe someone? He was a guy to pay everything and get everything one in a flash, but a late payment 30 years??? I didn't understand what was going on here. I was going to speak till Bendy spoken.

       "So you know Henry as well? How very lovely to see that. Is he a payment I need to collect or what? Hmm, Joey?" I stayed quiet. He isn't going to sell me out, will he? No, he wouldn't! He never does it! Will he? "I think we should stay away from him Henry for now on. Do understand me." I pushed Joey away and went in the middle of both of them.

          "Enough you two!" "H-Henry!? What the he-" I silence him with a motion to let him know to be quiet. I didn't want to deal with this today at all. It's probably like 12 by now and I am tired like a bunny.

    "Look, Joey. Thanks for worrying about me bu-" I saw Allison in on the doorway confused as a cat. I sighed and told them both to wait here till I explained some sense to Allison.


Meanwhile with the two...🦚

"5 souls on him Loving me."

"I'll take my chances. You're so on dude." 



----------wtf dudes

          As I finished off with a farewell. I looked at the two they made no eye contact with each other. What did they do while I was speaking with Allison. Hmm...[You don't wanna know henry boi]

      "I'ma head home for now so you two quit it. Understand?" I look at them in a scolding way as I could with a little pout in my expression. They sighed and said yes in a horrible manner. I grab a lil pebble and threw it between the two. They both stood up straighter and said yes in a more military and kidding manner. I smiled and walked off out of the alleyway and heading home with a good night's sleep. Hope my cat is doing fine while I was gone.


K I'm done with this I have made a chapter after a while sry for the wait but at least I made something for once in a while though. Stay safe! Eat healthy foods and drink more water often!🌺☕⭐

[815 words]



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