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"I'm here." He whispered. I didn't want to ruin the moment so I remained quiet trying to avoid thinking about the future and focus on the present moment instead. But my overthinking mind was already elsewhere.


I entered the bedroom after doing my nighttime skincare routine planning to go to sleep. As I walked towards the bed, James would look at me weirdly. "What?" I asked. "Nothing." He shook his head.

I didn't understand what upset him but I didn't have the strength to dig into it more. I took my phone to find out that on the lock screen there was a preview of a message from Vincent.

My flatmate and friend. And the guy you lost your virginity to. My subconscious said ironically. My eyes immediately flew up to James's.

"Did you?" "I wasn't purposely trying to spy on you. It just beeped and my eyes went there. Who is Vincent anyway?" James asked me worriedly. I smiled.

"He is a friend from school." I answered calmly hoping he'd let it be. "And why is he texting you on a weekend night?" James continued.

"The text says: 'What time exactly is your arrival?' in Czech. He wants to know which flight I'll come on to wait for me at the airport." I explained.

"Why is he waiting for you at the airport though?" He furrowed his eyebrows. "Because he is going to pick me up there so I don't have to travel by train." My tone became a little bit tired from all the questions but I tried my best to stay calm.

"Isn't it like two hours?" "About that much, yeah." "That seems kind of excessive for a friend to drive that much just so you don't have to travel by train." James spat at me. I couldn't believe how jealous he was acting.

"He lives nearby and would drive to Brno tomorrow anyway." I grabbed James's hand hoping it would help to calm him down.

"I don't like it. Why won't some of your girl friends come pick you up? Why won't f/n? Or you can take a cab. I'll pay." He said.

"Honey, trust me, there is absolutely no reason to be jealous. I'm head over heels for you and can't imagine anyone I'd ever prefer over you. You are taller than him, you have much prettier eyes, your hand fits in mine perfectly and I wouldn't switch you for anyone. Definitely not Vincent. He is a good friend. That's all." I pressed his hand a little stronger.

James wouldn't say anything so I snuggled into his chest swiping my nose across his jaw. "He could never satisfy me like you can." I whispered into his neck seductively hoping I could maybe win him over through ego.

"Not to be rude but it's not particularly hard to make you cum. I honestly think many could do it. I'm not that special. It's you being so fortunately sensitive." James argued making my chin drop.

I felt a pinch of pain run through my body from his words. Was it really that easy with me? I thought James was just that good in bed. But I had to put my worries aside. It didn't matter after all.

"James, what the fuck?!" I laughed looking up at him. "Don't underestimate yourself! He is not half your size if nothing else!" I exclaimed immediately realising how much I just fucked up with that.

"Shit!" I put my hand over my mouth biting my palm nervously. "How the fuck do you know his size?" James asked angrily staring at me in a way that I wanted to go hide somewhere safe.

"I thought you said he was a friend! Do you often check on your friends' sizes?" He raised his voice. "Calm down, you're scaring me!" I shifted away from him on the bed noticing his eyes becoming softer immediately.

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