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Let's do this song today I guess. ❤

I walked up to him and reached up to peck his lips. "Thank you." I said without sarcasm. But it felt boring so I had to add something.

"Cute apron, by the way."


James flipped the pancakes and turned back to me, pulling me closer by my waist.

"Are you making fun of my apron?" He asked playfully. "No, I said it was cute." I answered innocently.

"Nerd!" I coughed to conceal the other word I had to say. James shook his head forming a big smile. "You love it so shut up." He said.

I traced the dark blue fabric with my fingers going up to James's neck and jaw. "It's cute. That's my last word." I giggled and kissed him properly having to go up to my toes.

"Can I help you with cooking?" I asked. "I'm practically done so either you can get us something to drink or you can just sit down and wait for me to bring my girlfriend her breakfast." He smirked.

My face turned bright red and I couldn't wipe off that stupid smile. I just wanted to grab him and never let go. "Okay, and what would my boyfriend like to have for a drink?" I brushed some hair out of his face.

"I like how that sounds." He crooned and pecked my forehead. "There should be some milk in the fridge. Thank you." He gently pushed me away so he could get back to the pancakes before they'd get burnt.

I poured a cup of milk for James and some orange juice for myself as I wasn't exactly a huge milk-drinker out of ethical reasons. I placed the cups on the kitchen table and found plates in the cabinet to arrange them on the table as well. From the fridge, I brought some jam that I found. Soon after that James brought us the pancakes and Nutella.

He put everything on the table and walked closer to me. His apron was left at the kitchen counter so James was now wearing the plaid pyjama pants from yesterday and a black t-shirt.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked as I rested my hands on his chest looking up at him. "Yeah. You?" I smiled. "Exceptionally well." He gently stroked my cheek. "We should eat or it's gonna be cold." He said. "Sure." I blushed and let go of him.

While eating, we talked about all kinds of stuff, being super random. I just had such a great time having breakfast together.

The whole morning I felt light like a feather. Like everything bad from the world had disappeared and it was all just rainbows and unicorns. I felt like I could do anything if I wanted to. And I couldn't stop smiling or blushing whenever our eyes met.

"Ehm... Do you have any plans for this week?" I asked spreading Nutella all over my third pancake. "I'm not yet sure. We definitely will be making another episode of our podcast with Oliver and I think I'm supposed to be editing this week. But that's probably all that's already set up. Why?"

"Well... My flight is next Wednesday so I was just wondering how much we'll manage to meet before that." I said trying to hide the sad undertone at which I probably failed.

"Oh. I mean... You could even spend the rest of your holiday here if you wanted to. I wouldn't mind. But I guess you have some program with f/n?"

Oh my god, did he just really say that I could stay here. I mean... I could just die right now and would be perfectly happy with it.

"Yeah, we'll definitely have to spend some time together. She'll have so many questions when I come to the apartment today." I laughed. "But I wouldn't mind staying with you too." I said pouting my lip. James smiled.

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