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🎶Today I chose a cover version of wannabe cuz it's a girls' night chapter, wannabe (spice girls) is one of my fave girl-power songs and that cover is just so chill I had to share it with you. But it doesn't correspond with the chapter lyrics-wise.🎶


Waiting for f/n I received a text from James.

Hey hun. Just letting you know that I'm home safe. Can't wait to see you tomorrow. 💞

Thank you for letting me know. I appreciate it. 🥰 Take a rest from me now cuz I know I can be overwhelming. 😂 Can't wait to see you too.

I'm pretty confident I can handle you 🙄

We'll see about that 🤭


"So how do you really feel about James?" F/n asked searching for her fluffy socks in her suitcase. "Eh... That's a good question." I said. "It's an easy one isn't it?" She looked at me. "Why do you assume so?"

"Because your cheeks turn red and your eyes sparkle whenever I mention him." I looked into my lap. "I like him..." "Obviously. But do you think it's more?" She pushed me. "Isn't it quite early to ask questions like that?" I looked back at her. "Sorry." "No, it's okay. It's just that... It's weird to say it out loud." "Yeah, I get that."

"I think it could be more. On my side at least. I don't know how he feels." I started. "For me it's... quite intense. I can't keep my hands off him. I actually kind of miss him right now." I chuckled.

"Awww isn't that cute." F/n sang. "And from what I saw I think it's mutual." She winked at me. "It seems like it doesn't it? But I'm still not sure." "Why?"

"Cuz he's James Phelps. He is famous, he is rich, handsome... and must be so much more experienced than me. He could easily be my uncle or something. And I mean... He has so many girls to choose from so why me? And he knows that I'll leave in two weeks but never mentioned it. Maybe he means it as only something... temporary. To have fun or whatever."

"Why would you think that? I mean.. have you mentioned the leaving thing? Have you asked what will happen then? No. Now just ask yourself why you never opened that topic and you have the answer why he didn't. Uncle? Really? Is that what bothers you? Babe you're making it so much more complicated than it is... Have you seen the way he looks at you?"

"What way?" "Ahhhh! I think he likes you okay? Besides. You better keep him close cuz it seems like he gets your humour and that's odd." F/n finished. "It seems too good to be true. Know what I mean?" She stayed quiet.

"Let's just have some ice-cream and play dobble shall we?" I said after it was quiet for a while. "Sounds like a plan. And then we'll pick out your tomorrow's outfit." She gave me a meaningful look to which I rolled my eyes. "Why is the outfit so important?" I cried because I hated planning outfits.

"Because you don't exactly know what you'll be wearing it for. It has to be suitable for everything from going to the movies to playing darts. It has to be both, hot and cute. But should also be comfy for when you're at his place. And last but not least, it has to look good even when you're taking it off." After the last part of her speech, I covered my eyes with my palms and whined uncomfortably.

"Don't act as if you were not looking forward to it." She snickered. "No, I am... But I'm also kind of worried." I admitted.

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