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"I'll visit you in no time." He promised and I could see his eyes were shining with a thin layer of tears in them. "I'll be looking forward to it." I pressed his hand and walked away.


As I was entering the corridor leading to
the security desk, I noticed the woman from before and overheard some of her phone call.

"I'm sorry, but it will take me longer to get there. The plane is full. How is she doing?" She asked the person on the other side. "Okay. I'll try to figure something out. Bye."

"Oh, fuck it!" I whispered and ran after f/n grabbing her forearm turning her around. "What?" She asked confusedly. "I'll give my ticket to that woman who needs to see her mum." I said quickly still not yet sure about my decision.

"Wait, what?" "There is this woman in the hall who didn't get a ticket and needs to get to Vienna asap. James tried to convince me to stay a few more days and it's his birthday tomorrow. So I'll do it. I think." I ran my hand through my hair nervously.

"Sounds reasonable." She formed a thinking expression. "See you on Sunday?" F/n smiled melting my worries about neglecting my best friend for a man slightly.

"So it's okay if I leave you with Lucas now even after I already did it yesterday and the day before-" "Of course! Go!" She encouraged me.

"Okay. Thank you for understanding." I took a deep breath and hugged her. "Have a good flight." I said. "Have a good few more days." She winked implying what the few days should be full of if she was the one to say.

"I will." I chuckled shaking my head. "Love you." We both said at the same time and then I turned around walking back to where I left James.

In the hall, I found the woman sitting on a bench probably still hoping to get her ticket.

"Ehm. Hi." I approached her. "Hi. Did I drop something?" She asked looking around. Her eyes were a little bit red probably from crying.

"No, you're fine. I overheard that you need to get to Vienna for emergency reasons. You can have my ticket. I'll go another time." I smiled handing her the piece of paper.

"Are you sure? I mean... thank you. That would mean so much to me. But are you really sure?" She looked at me thankfully. "Of course! Take it. Come on. We will change the name so they let you in." I offered her my hand and she hesitantly took it.

At the desk, I explained to the guy what we agreed on and soon it was all set. "Thank you so much. I'll be forever grateful." She gave me a hug. "You are an amazing person." She cried. "It's okay." I smiled and tried to soothe her by caressing her back gently.

"Now go see your mother. She needs you more than I need to go to Vienna." I smiled. "You too are an amazing person for taking such care of your mum. Have a good flight." I waved at her as she started to walk away.

"I wish you all the best, young lady. Thank you again." She said as I waved back and then she entered the corridor.

The whole process took some time so I was pretty sure James was already gone. I walked through the airport pulling my suitcase behind me planning to catch a cab and surprise James coming to his house.

I left the airport through the main door and then I noticed a tall man walking towards the parking lot. It was definitely James judging by the way he carried himself.

I had no idea why he was still there but I immediately began to run after him.

"Oh my god, it's Fred Weasley! I think I'm gonna pass out!" I said out loud in a theatrical voice once I stopped close enough for him to hear me. He turned around with a mixture of terror and surprise on his face.

Unexpected (James Phelps x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now