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Harry had earned himself another night of detention in Care of Magical Creatures, allowing Lalia to finish the last of hers with his. 

They had gone quite simialrly to her first few. She would always wake before she finished the prophecy. While, the scenes she would see could differ slightly they all ended with her watching Harry walk into the Forbidden Forest alone. Each time she would wake, she would see Harry's worried eyes hovering over her before he returned back to his lines. 

Without fail, Lalia would always be released before Harry as if Umbridge did not want the two to leave detention together. 

The detentions had taken a noticeable effect on Lalia. Ginny and her friends had begun asking her if she was feeling okay, which she assured them she was. Mahealani had begun approaching Lalia often to make sure the girl was doing okay. Even Draco had asked her if she was feeling okay, though she had walked past him without answering.

Lalia knew that she looked ill. Her body ached all over from the forced visions and the fog that permeated Umbridge's office seemed to have a lasting effect over Lalia's mind the next day as well. 

The girl had been dozing off in her classes from the exhuastion caused by the physical pain. She also had been having nightmares of the graveyard night or visions similar to those that were forced upon her every night not that she no longer had her draught, leading to the girl getting very little sleep.

Besides Mahealani, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were the only ones who knew about how Lalia's detentions differed from her fellow peers. 

Lalia had fallen behind slightly in her work and Mahealani and the trio had agreed to help the girl in the library. She had to cancel on her planned date with Ginny to catch up in her course load. 

Mahealani had been helping Lalia with her Potions essay, when Lalia slowly drifted to sleep with her head in her palm. 

"Li," Mahealani said, when she noticed the girl with her eyes closed. When there was no response, she repeated it louder. 

Mahealani reached to shake her cousin awake, but Harry quickly grabbed her wrist and shook his head no. 

"Let her sleep," he said softly, looking at the sleeping girl with a frown. 

Mahealani nodded and gathered her things. "I'm suppose to meet some friends, will you tell her for me?" she asked the trio. 

They all nodded and smiled at her as she walked away. 

While Lalia appeared peaceful to her friends, her dream was anything but. Lalia had the same nightmare of the graveyard, except when Cedric pulled her into the ground, she found herself in the dark hallway with Harry instead of waking up. 

"Sirius!" Harry called. Lalia looked around for her dad, but didn't see him in the long dark hallway. But Harry continued to call his name over and over, each time increasing in volume until Lalia was desperately pressing on her own ears to stop the loud sound from reaching them. 

Lalia looked at Harry to tell him to stop yelling, but when Lalia looked Harry was replaced by herself screaming in pain as Bellatrix aimed her wand at her. Harry suddenly ran into Lalia's view and sent a Stupefy at Bellatrix, who deflected it, but stopped attacking Lalia. 

Bellatrix and Lalia faded from view as Harry stood exhuasted near a fountain.

"I have nothing more to say to you, Potter," Voldemort said, appearing before Harry. "You have irked me too often, for too long. AVADA KEDAVRA!" 

Lalia screamed as Harry stood there without moving her wand. 

Everything was black around the girl before a bright blue light took over her field of vision. 

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