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Harry woke to Lalia jumping on his bed rather early in the morning. He groaned as he stretched and noticed the door left open behind her. 

"Wake up, sleepy head. I want to hear about where you went with Dumbledore," she said. 

Harry gave another groan, but began sitting up in bed.

"We couldn't talk later, Lia?" 

"Nope," she said, popping the p. "My dad's cousin will be soon here and we'll both be put to work. Had to be bright and early." 

Harry groaned louder this time, but nodded his head at her. "Okay, love. You wanted to hear about last night?"

"Mhmm. Yes, please." 

Harry explained to the girl that Dumbledore had taken him to meet with the new Hogwarts Professor, Horace Slughorn. He explained why Dumbledore thought he would be helpful and how Slughorn had tried to hide from them. 

"He seemed rather... strange to me, a little odd," Harry said, simply. "But the most interesting part is that I won't be doing Occlumency with Snape anymore, I'll have private lessons with Dumbledore." 

"What is he going to be teaching you?" 

"He didn't really say. But he did tell me to tell Hermione and Ron about what the prophecy said," he replied. "What about you, have your dad and you received your trial dates yet?"

"Yeah, we did," Lalia groaned angrily. "Same day, as far apart as they possibly could be, the day before the wedding. Can you believe the Ministry? Even with all the changes they're still bloody di-" 

"Lalia, Harry," Remus said, sticking his head in the open doorway. "Andromeda should be here soon, please get ready." 

Harry nodded and stood to grab his things to head to the bathroom, but Lalia whined at her dad. 

"So early? Can't we make a cake after ten in the morning."

"You had the energy to wake up and gossip with Harry, so you have the energy to help your cousin. If you complain like that to her once Lalia -"

"I won't, dad, I won't. I'll be a perfect angel." This earned her a snort from Harry and her dad. "Hey! I am well  behaved! Stop laughing! I am!" 

"Sure, little bean and you're not Sirius's daughter. Be downstairs in ten minutes, please." He turned, still laughing, to walk away from the room. 

"I'll get you back for that, Potter," Lalia glared at him while leaving the room to get ready.

"I'll be counting on it, Love," he said smirking at her, gently closing the door once she was in the hallway. 

Lalia quickly got ready in her own room and bathroom before heading downstairs where Sirius was placing two breakfast plates on the table for the teens. Harry had beaten the girl and was already sitting at his seat, waiting for the food. 

"Good morning, Lobita," Sirius said, placing a kiss on the top of his daughter's head as she sat down. "After you both meet Andromeda, I'd appreciate it if you would go get the backyard cleaned up for the ceremony." 

"Okay," Harry said in between his bites, but Lalia merely hummed lazily. 

Once the pair had finished eating, they carefully placed their dishes in the sink and stayed in the kitchen with Sirius, who was tidying the room up for his cousin's use. Lalia sat on the counter next to her busy day with Harry leaning against her legs. 

"Lobita, I'm going to say it one more time. Get your ass off my cou-"

"Look who's here!" Remus said, excitedly, walking in with a beautiful woman behind him. 

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