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"But why haven't you got Occlumency lessons anymore?" said Hermione, frowning. "Are you still taking them Lalia?"

"Yes, as far as I know. Our last lesson ended rather abruptly." 

"I've told you," Harry muttered. "Snape reckons I can carry on by myself now I've got the basics. ...."

"So you've stopped having funny dreams?" said Hermione skeptically. 

"Pretty much," said Harry, not looking at her. Instead he grabbed Lalia's hand that had delicately squeezed his thigh to privately ask if everything was okay. He gently squeezed her hand back to signal that he would tell her later or that everything was truly okay. She would find out when they were alone. 

"Well, I don't think Snape should stop until you're absolutely sure you can control them!" said Hermione indignantly. "Harry, I think you should go back to him and ask-" 

"No," said Harry forcefully. "Just drop it, Hermione, okay?" 

It was the first day of Easter Holidays and Hermione, as was her custom, had spent a large part of the day drawing up study schedules for the four of them. Harry and Ron had told Lalia to let her do it - it was easier than arguing with her and, in any case, they might come in useful. 

While Hermione and Ron argued about his unpreparedness for exams, Lalia leaned into Harry and whispered delicately in his ear. 

"What happened?" 

He smiled gently at her and said, "Tell you later." 

"I saw Cho earlier," said Hermione tentatively, "and she looked really miserable. ... Have you two had a row again?" 

Lalia glared at Hermione's awful timing and terrible conversation abilities. 

"Wha - oh yeah, we have," said Harry, having forgotten about his brief argument with Cho. 

"What about?" 

"That sneak friends of hers, Marietta," said Harry. 

"Yeah, well, I don't blame you!" said Ron angrily, setting down his study schedule to go on a rant about Marietta Edgecombe. "If it hadn't been for her ..." 

He continued for a while and ended with, "... I'm just thankful you've wised up and picked the best Ravenclaw." 

"Yes, I did. Speaking of which I will walk my wonderful Ravenclaw back to her dorm." 

Harry and Lalia quickly stood, Lalia packing away her schedule Hermione made. 

She said goodbye to her friends and followed Harry to the Entrance Hall. 

As soon as the portrait swung behind them, she gently nudged the boy, "So?" 

Without taking another breath, Harry launched into the story of what had really happened the night before and the bullying he saw both of their parents perform on Snape. 

"... and that's why I really need to talk to Sirius," Harry said, desperately. 

Lalia could see the panic and doubt in Harry's eyes. 

"Harry, your mom loved your dad. Something must have happened to change her opinion. And who knows maybe Snape deserved to be bullied for something he did previously," she shrugged her shoulders. "All I know for sure is, that grown adult should not be treating you, me, and all the Gryffindors differently because of something that happened when he was a student!" 

"You think so?" 

"I know so! And once you figure out how to talk to papa, it will all make sense!" 

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