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When Harry had finally rejoined his friends for lunch, he hurriedly told them of the fireworks loose in the corridors. Although he didn't need to. The moment they stepped out of the hall, fireworks whizzed past them on the way to their next class. 

That night even Hermione had seemed to be thrilled at the Weasley twins achievement. 

"They were wonderful fireworks," she said admiringly in the common room that night.

"Thanks," said George, looking both surprised and pleased. "Weasley's Wildfire Whiz-Bangs. Only thing is, we used our whole stock, we're going to have to start again from scratch now... ."

"It was worth it, though," said Fred, who was taking orders from clamoring Gryffindors. "If you want to add your name to the waiting list, Hermione, it's five Galleons for your Basic Blaze box and twenty for the Deflagration Deluxe... ."

Hermione returned to the trio sitting nearby at a table. The boys were staring at their schoolbags as though hopping their homework might spring out of it and start doing itself, unlike the girl who was leaning very closely to the parchment and paper in front of her. 

"Oh, why don't we have a night off?" said Hermione brightly, as a silver-tailed Weasley rocket zoomed past the window. "Lift your nose out of that book, Lalia. After all, the Easter holidays start on Friday, we'll have plenty of time then... ."

Lalia sat up with furrowed brows and an opened mouth to stare at the girl across from her.

"Are you feeling all right?" Ron asked, staring at her in disbelief.

"Now you mention it," said Hermione happily, "d'you know ... I think I'm feeling a bit ... rebellious."

"Hermione Granger, what are you letting these boys do to you," Lalia scoffed, though there was a clear smile on her face. 

"I think the better question," Fred said, walking by with a wicked grin, "is what are you letting that boy do to you, Li."

Lalia did not need to follow Fred's gaze to know that it was settled upon Harry. 

"You better run, Weasley, or else," Lalia said, glaring at the teen, who laughed while hurrying away. 

"Do not give me that look," she said to Hermione, when turning back to the table. Before speaking to Ron's hushed chuckle. "If I hear one more sound out of you, it'll be your last, Ronald. Got anything you want to add, Potter?" she said glaring at him lastly. 

"Nope, nothing," he said, a delicate smile on his lips and his cheeks flaring red. 

"That's what I thought," she said crossing her arms and sliding down in her chair. 

Ron let out a loud laugh, but was saved from the death glare Lalia tried to send his way because Harry grabbed her shoulder and pulled her into his side. She jokingly tried to shove the boy off, but he kept his arm tightly around her shoulder. Accepting defeat, Lalia sighed heavily and moved to get comfortable. She reached towards the table in front of her and dramatically closed her book. 

The joy of the common room was quite refreshing for everyone. The tensions in Hogwarts had been high ever since that toad faced woman spoke during the welcome banquet. The Weasley's prank had earned everyone a small lightness in their chest that was desperately needed to continue to push through the school year. 

"Game of Wizard's chess?" Lalia asked Ron with a smirk. Ron, who had been the best in his group at the game, gave Lalia a competitive glare. Prior to Lalia joining the friends, no one had been able to beat the boy at chess. Over their fourth year, the group had discovered Lalia was Ron's toughest foe yet. The girl could even beat him, but Ron still had the record. He had won a total of five times to Lalia's three, but those three had damaged his pride quite a bit. 

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