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The day had a comfortable warmth to it. The kind where you could sit in the sun for more than an hour and not be drenched in sweat. It was the perfect weather for the perfect day. 

Standing behind Remus, Lalia desperately tried to hold in her tears. She glanced out at the small group seated in chairs in their small backyard. Her heart surged at the perfect scene. The chairs were the perfect ivory shade, but simple and comfortable like Remus had requested. The yellow, gold, and white flowers on the sides of the aisle were so delicate and graceful. The perfect declaration of love and happiness. 

Remus and Sirius had both agreed that they wanted to keep the group small, so only those closest to them were present. 

On the right side, there was Kiana and Mahealani, with an empty seat next to Kiana that had a reserved sign, or at least that's what everyone else saw. Lalia saw her Tio Regulus smiling in his brother's direction ever so slightly. On Mahealani's side, were Andromeda and Nymphadora as well. Ted Tonks was standing between the two grooms officiating the ceremony. 

On the left side were two empty chairs with framed photos in them. The photos were of the young smiling Potters from their year in hiding. There was Neville and Augusta Longbottom, who Remus had maintained correspondence with after his studious friend Frank had been hospitalized. There was also Lyall Lupin sitting next to the one and only Minerva McGonagall, who had the largest smile that Lalia had ever seen on her face, though it was still rather small compared to the others' present. 

Lalia glanced up, her smile wide as could be, holding the tears tightly in her eyes, she glanced at Harry behind Sirius, who had his own wide grin and was looking directly at her.

It was the group that mattered the most to the grooms and had always showed them love. With the inclusion of a few of her school friends, no one else mattered more to her than the people located here on this day. 

"The grooms have chosen to prepare their own vows today to share with us. While neither requested to go first, Sirius did request to go last to give a 'showstopper," the group laughed. "Remus?"

Remus delicately grabbed Sirius's hands in his own shaking hands. "Sirius..." He took a deep unsteady breath. "When I met you at Hogwarts, never did I imagine we would end up here. You were the most snobbish, prestigious kid and I was in rags of clothes. But as you became one of my bestfriends, I realized that I wouldn't be able to live my life without you in it." All three of the Black Lupins could barely see anything through their tears. "You helped me with my furry secret, gave up smoking for me, helped me repair a relationship with my father, loved me unconditionally, and you gave me the greatest gift of my life, Lalia. I could never repay you for all you have done for me, but I will spend my life as your husband trying to. I love you, Sirius."

"Sirius?" Ted said quietly and gently. 

"I regret not going first," he said through tears, earning himself a few laughs, though no one's was louder than Remus's. Sirius removed one of his hands to quickly wipe his eyes before hurriedly grabbing Remus's again. "You might not have loved snobby little me, but I loved little lanky you from the moment you opened your mouth. You were so different from any Wizards I had ever met and I wanted to know everything about you. You were always there for me from keeping James and me out of trouble with our lovely Minnie, to raising Lalia when I couldn't, or bringing Harry back into my life. You gave me all of that. You forgave me when I did the unforgiveable and you were with me as I had to overcome my family upbringing. I would have never picked up a cigarette, I would have sold my bike, or never worn a leather jacket again, if it meant you were always in my life, Moony. I am the one who owes you, my dear. I love you, Remus." 

At this point Lalia had tears rolling down her face. She accidentally sniffled louder than she meant to her and her fathers and all the guests looked at her before chuckling softly at the teary and blissfully happy girl. 

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