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The stairs creaked loudly under the foot that pressed lightly on it. The air in the house was frigid. It stung as it made contact with skin. 

The foot recoiled when it made contact with the rough ground of an unkempt lawn instead of the tiles it expected. Lalia lifted her eyes off the ground and looked around her to see the graveyard that had haunted her. She glanced behind her to see the staircase now led to nowhere. 

Shaking from the cold and fear, Lalia calmly stepped off the staircase and began walking forward. 

The graveyard appeared empty. She realized that she had been approaching the area where Harry and Voldemort's wands had battled each other. She glanced where Cedric's body would be laying. Lalia jumped, her breath getting caught in her throat when she saw Cedric lying there unmoving. 

A blast of light began growing next to her. Lalia flailed back, stepping away from the source to see Voldemort and Harry battling. She saw the figures of those recently killed by Voldemort begin to appear. 

Lalia glanced around now seeing the Death Eaters surrounding her. She glanced towards Lucius and froze seeing a similar face next to him. Lalia began walking over to the woman. 

"Mamá? Mamá, is that you?" When Lalia was finally in position to see the face of the woman, a hand tightly grabbed her ankle. 

Lalia gasped and looked down to see the lifeless eyes of Cedric Diggory staring up at her. 

"You could have stopped it. You could have saved me." 

Lalia attempted to pull her leg from his grip, but he tightened his hold on her and began pulling her into the ground. 

"Stop! Stop! Harry!" She looked around to find Harry, but he was staring at her with the same cold eyes. 

"It's all your fault," he said to her in a montone voice. 

Lalia was now knee deep into the ground. 

"Harry! Please, Harry, help me!" 

Lalia glanced back at Cedric to see his face right in front of hers She had stopped sinking into the floor. 

"You could have stopped it." 

With those words, he attacked her and pushed her completely into darkness.

Lalia shot up in her bed. She glanced around the unfamilair room and saw the second empty bed across from hers. Her breathing was quick as the panic from her dream transferred to panic about where she was. 

She caught sight of a photo of Kiana and Mahealani and her breathing began settling as she realized that she was in Mahealani's room. She had stayed at her cousins the last few weeks to avoid that awful house as well as help find ways to wake her uncle. 

A sudden soft tapping noise on her window made Lalia jump again, but she was able to relax quicker after seeing Hedwig. She stood to let the bird in and realized that it was dark outside. Her nap had defintiely lasted longer than expected. 

"Hi, Hedwig," she said nuzzling the owl. She took the letter addressed to and gave the owl a treat. "Off you go. Go deliver the others." 

Hedwig didn't move she pecked at Lalia's hands. 

"Hey!" She unrolled the note, assuming it to be important based on Hedwig's body language. 

I've been attacked by dementors and I might be expelled from Hogwarts. I want to know what's going on and when I'm going to get out of here. 

Lalia furrowed her brow at the short and angry note. Her and Harry had exchanged letters throughout the break. She kept him updated on everything her and Mahealani were doing to save Regulus. She wondered if Ron and Hermione had been ignoring Harry's letters. It would explain why the boy was writing her so much more often this break.

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