181 | Fear & Hate

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When you are scared of someone and even start to hate them, try to un-hate them by thinking about them this way:There are droplets of goodness in the person you fear and might even hate

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When you are scared of someone and even start to hate them, try to un-hate them by thinking about them this way:
There are droplets of goodness in the person you fear and might even hate. And those droplets of goodness are seen by ALLAH. There are seeds of goodness in them that might sprout into plants of goodness which might send them to Jannah. And because of those droplets and seeds, ALLAH has allowed them to live yet another day. Because He sees those droplets and seeds and He knows that they reek of the needed potential needed for them to enter Jannah. And so, He tries to save them from hell by giving them yet another day; yet another chance. Because He sees the sprinkles of goodness in them, the ones we might not see.
The person you're scared of still has humanity left inside of them. They still have goodness left inside of them; it's still there. And maybe those people weren't meant to be the cause of your fear, maybe you were meant to be the cause to their change. Maybe you met them because ALLAH knew that there's something in you that might move them. Maybe He knew that your light of Iman had the perfect intensity to inspire them to make use of their seeds and droplets of goodness, to grow them into the beautiful plants they were meant to be.
So, that person that you're so afraid of and might even hate, try to un-hate them. Even if that person is you.

 Even if that person is you

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