155 | Guests of our Hearts

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The guests in your heart will not always be honourable guests; they're not always guests who are happy to be in your heart

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The guests in your heart will not always be honourable guests; they're not always guests who are happy to be in your heart. Some of them destroy your heart during their visit and some of them might've been good guests until something happened and they suddenly stuck a knife into the throbbing walls of your loving heart. And see, I think it is truly strong of you to still keep them as guests in your heart even though they stuck a knife into it. But I hope that you won't forget that it's still your heart. It's something ALLAH placed into your hands so you can care for it; ALLAH didn't give it to them, He gave it to you. Because ALLAH knows that only you will be the perfect person to take care of that very heart he put into your hands.
And oftentimes people tell you to throw the guests out of your heart, but you don't always have to do that. Sometimes it's impossible to do that because some guests are meant to stay in your heart for quite a while and that's okay. But see, what you can do instead is to take away their knives, so they won't be able to hurt you anymore. Because it's your heart and no one will ever take it away from you. ALLAH has given it to you so you are more than responsible for taking good care of it.

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