83 | Treat People Well

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"Some fathers have this twisted idea: "If I'm not tough with him/her, they're not gonna be able to face the real world

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"Some fathers have this twisted idea: "If I'm not tough with him/her, they're not gonna be able to face the real world." Seriously bro, what Qur'an are you reading? Because the Qur'an says the opposite. It says that this child (he is talking about Yusuf PBUH) was raised with so much love and care and later on he's in jail and he can handle himself. He's in a crazy situation in the palace and he can handle himself. Later on, he's even facing off the King and he can still handle himself. And all of that isn't just coming from the fact that he was a Prophet; it's coming from the fact that he was nurtured, empowered and made to feel confident in himself by the loving care he received from his father. This is why the loving conversation between Yusuf (PBUH) and his father is the starting point. It's important for us to understand that all of what is going to transpire like a tree that's going to grow comes from this seed, and this conversation is that seed. So it's not insignificant. This upbringing leads to the saving of a whole generation. An entire nation was saved from starvation because of the validation a father gave to his son. So, if it just came from that, can you imagine how many future generations are you and I destroying by not validating our children?"

"This not only applies to the relationship between parents and children; it applies to anybody who feels like they have some kind of influence in a relationship (spouses, siblings, friends,...)."

— Nouman Ali Khan

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— Nouman Ali Khan

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