115 | Light

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"You can't really control what's happening to you, but you can change the lights that radiate from your heart at all that's happening to you, all that's in front of you

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"You can't really control what's happening to you, but you can change the lights that radiate from your heart at all that's happening to you, all that's in front of you. Try switching on the warm, loving lights and switch off the icy ones, but don't ever forget that you're human too. Because sometimes it will happen that you turn on your icy lights at people you love or at life itself. Or you might even find other people radiating their icy lights at you. During these moments, always remember that in the end, the essence of light will forever be light. So even if you sometimes shine your icy lights at people you love or at life itself, you have to find it in yourself to forgive yourself. And when others are shining their icy lights at you, you have to find it in yourself to forgive them too. Because in the end, it's still light. And both lights, the warm and the icy lights, they both show you something. So always strive to shine your warm and loving lights at others. But never forget that being a good Muslim and a good person is a process. So even if it happens that you turn on your icy lights or someone else shines their icy lights at you, find it in yourself to forgive. And then, keep going. Day by day, you'll notice the warm light growing and the icy ones shrinking."


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