"I'm sorry." Devyn pulls into the parking space by the Ackerman house and I give her a puzzled look.

"It's late, so I thought we could just crash here?"


"It'll be fine."

"Fine." I say with a small smile. We sit in the parked car for a few minutes.

"I have one last question." Devyn states.

"Which is?" I turn in my seat to face her.

"Why did you kiss me?" Suddenly it felt so hot in the car and I look away.

"I can ask you the same thing." I reply not knowing what to say. I felt so stupid. What was I supposed to say. I like you but I can't be with you? I like you but I hate myself? I like you but I'm confused and am an utter mess? I like you but I like Ashton? I like you but I don't want to?

"Maybe it was just a heat of the moment thing?" Devyn suggests.

"I guess. We did have a lot to drink." I say quickly.

"Right. That's all. I just wanted to clear it up so it wasn't awkward." Devyn says rather sharply.

"It's fine. It's over. And we're good too. All cool." Does she even feel the same way or was I just another one of her distractions?

"Cool. How's Ash?"

"He's good. We're good. He is the sweetest. What about you and Iris?"

"We talk here and there." We start to get out the car and head towards the entrance. A guard salutes Devyn and she waves him away.

"What are you two doing out so late?" Sloane opens the door. Devyn's face awakens with joy and she hugs her.

"When did you come?"

"Before y'all."

"You remember Andrea right?" Devyn ushers me in.

"Of course!" Sloane gives me a big hug.

"Nice to see you again." I say.

"Who is it Sloane?" Sage asks as she steps out of the kitchen.

"Hey Sage. Sage is my older sister." Devyn says to me. I shake Sage's hand and I have the feeling that she was examining my every move.

"And you are..?" Sage questions.

"I'm Andrea, Devyn's... friend."

"Riley and the kids are sleeping, don't be loud." Sage says sternly and walks away.

"Don't mind her. The military made her that way, but she's actually a sweetheart." Sloane expresses.

"Is father home?" Devyn asks.

"Yeah he's in the south wing. Why don't you show Andrea to her room and then we'll go to meet him?"

"Fine." Devyn grabs my arm and leads me up the stairs. She leads me down a narrow hall and we stop in front of a room.

"You can have this room. Mine is just a few doors down. Why don't you go rest while I go see what my father is up to?"

"Yeah sounds good." She vanishes into the hall while I walk into the room. I flop onto the bed and take in the intricate design on the ceiling.

"Watcha doing?" Riley stands in the doorway.

"Oh- nothing, sorry did I wake you up?"

"No, I hardly ever sleep, but nobody knows." She says with a pride filled smile.

"Really? What do you do when you're up?" I pat the spot on my bed for her to sit next to me. She jumps on to it.

"I like to walk around. I like to act like a spy." She does finger guns and I laugh at that.

"Spy? That's cool. But you know sleeping is very important as well?"

"I know. I'm always alone at home. School's out for me too so I have nothing to do."

"What about hanging out with your friends?"

"Dad doesn't like any of my friends, plus I don't really have any." Sadness takes over Riley's face.

"Hey, I'm your friend. We can have fun together." I say reassuringly.



"Then lets go.I'll show you all the secret spots around the house. But you have to stay quiet." Before I had any chance to object, I was pulled out of the room. Looking at the clock on the wall, I read the time, 2:00am.

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