"I assume that bizarre excuse of a sword is 1 of
the seven swordsmen of the mist. The 1 called sharkskin?"
"Hehe I heard that you and Zabuza had it out a while back."
"Yes we did" Kakashi said as he pulled outa kunai
"Go ahead, I'd love to cut you into ribbons"
"Kisame stop it, if you take this man on it won't be without cost. Furthermore, it will take time, and the commotion is liable yo bring more shinobi running. Your way is inefficient and unnecessarily risky. Don't lose sight of our goal"  Itachi instructed Kisame.

"Let's hear it what exactly is your goal?" Kakashi asked as his clone disappeared.
"We are looking for something and we know it's here"
"What is this thing you're looking for"
"My way is more effective then Kisames" Itachi pulled out shuriken as a ruse for his water style attack.
"Water style: water wall!"
"You're good you almost anticipated my moves. Almost" Itachi used a shadow clone to keep his place as he stabed him in the back which caused Kakashi's water clone to undo its self.
Kakashi went underwater to hand Kurenai a kunai but noticed that the Itachi that was closest to Kurenai was the clone and y/n who was sitting on the railings, exploded the clone.
Asuma then jumped into the water to retrieve them.

"Stay on your toes this guy was made Captain of an anbu black ops team when he was 13 and y/n's here there's no telling what she'll do."
"All right, we get it, their tough."
"Hmph tought? You haven't seen the half of it from either of them."

"For someone who's not of the Uchiha clan you've mastered the Sharingan well. However not being one of us, you lack our physical strength, and that's something you can't copy.
Why is it that the Uchiha clan is known by all, and feared by all?
I'll show you what the sharingan can do when It's wielded by a true heir of the bloodline."

"Don't you dare look into his eyes! It has to be my sharingan versus now!"
"Indeed, your abilities are impressive. They might even be enough to resist the mangekyo sharingan. However, there is something they can't defend against, this special sharingan jutsu called Tsukuyomi. Only someone with the sharingan and kekkai genkai can defeat me."
Itachi then trapped him in a tsukuyomi.

Y/n pov:
God damnit he knows well enough that the tsukuyomi takes a lot out of him! So why! I body flickered to Itachi just as he casted the jutsu and I set up a telepathy channel.
"Itachi are you kidding me?!"
"What's wrong?"
"You know the Tsukuyomi takes a lot out of you!"
"I'll be ok"
"No you won't! My god, please just let me heal you eyes as you do this."

No pov:
Y/n  placed a hand on his shoulder and started to heal his ocular nerves.

After 72 hours in the tsukuyomi and a few seconds in normal time the jutsu finally lets up, causing Kakashi to fall to the ground.
"What the hell happened, 1 second this dude is talking and the next you fall to the ground"
"Hmm and after all that the fools spirit is still intact, meanwhile you risk over using you eyes" Kisame said.
"He'll be fine, I healed his ocular nerves so he could go on if need be."
"Hmm Itachi you better thank the little lady after we finish them."
"I was planning on it"

"So this thing you've come for, is it Sasuke?"
"No, the legacy of the 4th Hokage" Itachi said
"What's he talking about? What are they after?" Kurenai asked

"The 9 tails inside of Naruto, right? And you're not the only ones."
"Kisame get rid of them"
Kisame charged at them but got kicked off by Guy.
"Well who have we here?"
"The leafs fiercest beast of battle, I'm Might Guy"
"You're Might Guy? Mighty stupid looking guy."
"You probably shouldn't underestimate uncle Guy, unless you want to end up in a bodybag."

"Open your eyes"
"But if we-"
"Don't worry just don't look into bis eyes. That's the key to fighting an opponent with the sharingan. Focus on his feet, you can tell what he's going to do from his feet."
"Alright but that trick seems a lot easier said then done"
"We haven't had all your training we're not you guy"
"True, it takes a lot of skill to anticipate an opponents move merely from their feet ,but I don't have time to teach you now. Just try your best."
"So what do we do?"
"Kurenai get Kakashi to the medical corps. Asuma you'll be my back up"
"Got it"
"Alright I've sent word to the anbu but until then we hold them off. Just you and me."

"Interesting you've got guts"
"No Kisame, put Samehada down now" Y/n intructed to Kisame like he was a dog.
"We're pulling out"
"That's what she said" y/n and Kisame joked
"But in all seriousness he's right we can't fight a full scale battle, as tempting as it may be for you. Let's go"
"That's too bad, they don't know how lucky they are especially because y/n's here with us."
They body flickered away

"So Kisame, that was basically meet the family. Did you have fun?" Y/n giggled
"I didn't get to kill them."
"Oh don't be salty sharkboy"
"So your going to play it like that huh?" Kisame playfully threatened.
"Maybe 😉" Kisame then pinned her to the ground and tickled her till she was laughing half to death. Neither of them noticed Itachi's side eye.

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