I set the rubbing alcohol and bandages down on the counter next to the sink. After I gently go to take the bandages off before hearing a voice. "You did what you had to Y/N. You protected Alycia. I know this is affecting you but everything's okay."

"But none of this is okay," I whisper taking the bandages off of my hands and putting them off to the side. I stared at them briefly, letting my eyes linger on them.

"It is though?" the voice pauses and I look away from the bandages back down to my hands seeing my knuckles bloody and bruising. The bruising finally showing through since punching the concrete and connecting with that guys face. I sink my teeth into my bottom lip hearing the voice speak again. "You're strong Y/N. You always were. Ask for help. I know you know how."

"I can't," I say my voice low.

"Can't what?" Ducky's voice appears out of no where causing me to jump. I turn and lock eyes with the girl's. Her eyes were soft, but worried as she looked back and forth between mine.

"Nothing," I say swiftly shaking my head and tearing my eyes. I go to reach for the rubbing alcohol but Ducky raises her hands, moving it over. "Ducky-"

"You need to run your knuckles under cold water," Ducky cuts me off, her voice easy. I don't talk back, instead I take a step to the right  as Ducky follows. She reaches forward to the faucet turning the knob before I can. The water splashes out and I give it a moment before placing both of my hands underneath the water flinching at the coldness. But my eyes fixate on the blood as it smears and begins disappearing. I clench my jaw watching and before I know it I see Ducky reach forward and turn the water off.

I pull back as Ducky grabs a cloth and takes a hold of my hands. "I can do that Duck-"

"No, no. I got it," Ducky says, beginning to dry off my hands and the blood if there was any. I only nod watching her, flinching anytime she pushed too hard or wiped too hard. But it doesn't last long as after a bit the girl puts the cloth down and grabs the rubbing alcohol. She takes off the lid and then points to the sink. I move my hands over so they hover over the sink. Within a couple moments I feel the rubbing alcohol hit my knuckles and that's when I remember the burn mark that's also there. I bite down on my lip and drop my head down shaking it.

"Is that a burn mark?" Ducky questions and I stay silent.

"Don't worry about it- Jesus!" I bite my tongue standing up straight and beginning to flick my wrists to try and detain the burning.

"You punched the concrete Y/N. You have open wounds, it's going to burn," Ducky explains and I shake my head, opening my eyes and looking down at my knuckles. "Here, I can wrap them now. They need to be changed frequently though." I nod at Ducky as I pick them up a bit allowing the girl to begin wrapping them. She's quick, she always has been and I'm sort of grateful for that. But once she finishes there was this silence that I was dreading. The Ducky silence. The rarest silence you'll ever here. It's never good when Ducky's silent.

Slowly I pick up my head and I'm met with Ducky's eyes. Her eyes stay locked on mine, looking back and forth between them like she was waiting on something. But all I do is shake my head.

"Thanks for the help," I say and begin to walk around her. I get around her, hearing her turn with her eyes following me.

"Why'd Alycia have to get a trash bin and broom?" Ducky finally asks as I'm almost to the door. I stop walking and shrug my shoulders. "Don't just shrug your shoulders Y/N. This is serious. Please tell me she wasn't in the room with you. Please tell me-"

𝕊𝕒𝕗𝕖 & 𝕊𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕 (𝔸𝕝𝕪𝕔𝕚𝕒 𝔻𝕖𝕓𝕟𝕒𝕞-ℂ𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕪 x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now