12. Traitor's Demise

Start from the beginning

He then drops his head to the floor as he begs for his life. Elise continues to glare at this pathetic display.

Lionheart: Please.... I'll resign and go somewhere she can't find me. Just please don't kill me!

Elise is silent for moment. She was weighing her options and considering the consequences. Soon, she finally speaks.

Elise: We're done here. Inquisitor, get to Vale as soon as possible and link up with Inquisitor Locke. We need to arrest Cinder's group before she can strike.

The Inquisitor nods before he and Elise glance at Lionheart. Elise then silently nods at the Inquisitor before the transmission cuts off. The Inquisitor pockets the communication device before stepping forward to Lionheart, who starts to panic.

Lionheart: W-wait! No! PLEASE!

The Inquisitor readies a knife. They can't take the risk that Cinder will be warned that the Mimarans are on to her.

No loose ends.

~Later in the afternoon at Vale~

Qrow is sitting at a table in a cafe in Vale, drinking coffee to get over a hangover he has. He glances outside and sees Mimaran and Atlesian soldiers interacting with civilians. He even notices a couple of soldiers playing with some children. Qrow sighs and sips his coffee. Despite how behaved the JTF is acting, the number of foreign troops on the streets still makes this feel like an occupation. That said, he does understand the motives behind the military presence. For the Council and the politics behind Atlas, it's a way to get Mimar and Atlas to start working together rather than start another Great War. For Ironwood and the Mimarans, it's to stop Salem from achieving her goals in Vale. Funny enough, the better cooperation part seems to be an afterthought for the Mimarans, they have their eyes on the real prize.... whatever that really is.

Raven: Mind if I sit here?

Qrow: Sure, no prob- Huh?

Qrow sees Raven standing next to him, her red eyes glaring at him.

Qrow: .....What do you want, Raven?

Raven sits down in front of Qrow.

Raven: I'm getting right to the point. I just got word from the tribe. Lionheart was killed last night.

Qrow: What??

Raven: The news is starting to spread in Mistral, it's only a matter of time before Ozpin hears of it.

Qrow: Do you know who did it? It wasn't you, right?

Raven: Do you think I'm stupid enough to pick a fight with Oz? No, supposedly it was the White Fang. But.... Something isn't right...

Qrow: What do you mean?

Raven: His pocket watch was missing, you know the one he always had on his vest.

Qrow clenches his fist.

Qrow: Dammit....it must've been *her*. The White Fang wouldn't take that watch unless they knew what it really is.

Raven: Hm, it doesn't feel like she had anything to do with it. Leonardo was always....well, a bit nervous. I think she would benefit more from scaring him into working for her.

Qrow: But he wouldn't do that.

Raven: Still, the whole thing is a bit....odd. Even for her.

Qrow sighs as he takes another sip. Meanwhile, near the Branwen twins, a cloaked individual was sitting at a nearby table with his back to the two. It is the Grimm that appeared in the aftermath of the Breach. He sips a cup of coffee before giving a small chuckle.

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