[ warmth ] - koutarou bokuto fluff

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*~{ Warmth }~*

569 Words.

Prompt: Bokuto is hogging all of the blankets in the tent.

*  *  *

Camping with the Fukurodani team is enjoyable during the day, but it sucks at night. I didn't want to have my own tent because I would be alone and that's worrying, so me and the other manager sleep in the same tent as half of the team, while the other half and the coach sleeps in the other.

Since the coach is in the other, I was put in this one so I can keep the boys in line and make sure they get some rest.

They said it would be a training camp, but I didn't know they meant we would actually be camping.

Anyway, one of the problems is that Bokuto is in this tent. Even though he's in a sleeping bag, he hogs all the extra blankets. And that issue is the exact reason I'm still awake. It's freezing out here and my sleeping bag isn't helping. I need those blankets, but if I take them he'll wake up.

Well, all of the boys are spaced out so I could just share the blanket, right?

I drag my sleeping bag over and plop it down next to Bokuto, setting the blanket over both him and my bag.

I slip into the bag and snuggle in. This is much better already. There's a shuffle in front of me and I look to the captain, who's flipped around in his sleep and is facing me now. His hair is down and his hand under his cheek, squishing it.

I shift my arm so I can reach out and I ruffle his hair a bit, then curl back up in the sleeping bag. My eyelids are getting heavier, squinting now as I admire my friend. It's not often I get to see him with his hair down, so I can't help but stare.

He shuffles a bit and I close my eyes as a reflex, pretending to sleep with one eye barely creaked open. From what I can see, he's moved his arm to rest over my shoulder. I open my eyes and stare at his arm.

Did he do that in his sleep, or is he awake?

His arm pulls me closer, and by extension my sleeping bag. My face is inches away from his chest, but I just decide to accept it. Extra warmth, I guess.

Reaching over his arm and pulling up the blanket a little, I settle into his warmth and let my body go limp, drifting off to sleep.

*  *  *

I'm awoken by someone squishing my cheek. I start by ignoring it and trying to go back to sleep until I hear who's trying to wake me up.

"Psst, are you alive?"

My eyes flutter open and I turn my eyes up to Bokuto, who has rays of sunlight from outside casting over his face. As soon as he sees I'm awake, his grin widens further and brightens up the tent. His hair is still down, so he must have just woken up.

"Good morning." I shift so that I'm laying on my back.

"Good morning!" He boops the tip of my nose and then drapes his arm across my collarbone, laying his head back down.

"What's this?" I turn my eyes to his arm.

"You're a pillow now."


I set my hand onto his arm, rubbing my thumb across his soft skin. I was able to get some sleep, but at what cost?

Anime One-shots ( various x reader ) [Haikyuu, MHA]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora