For the next four hours she went over and over it in her head and came to a conclusion. She wasn't going to mention it, she was going to wait for him to tell her because he must have known it was coming.

Eventually the train began to pull into the station and it was time, she got off the train and put her best happy face on. She was going to give him the chance to explain what the hell had happened. He never could lie to her face, or so she had thought. He opened the boot remotely so people didn't notice him in the station and she threw her case in, taking a final deep breath in before she got into the car beside him. If she hasn't seen the article she wouldn't have known anything was wrong, because immediately he was all over her, telling her how much he'd missed her and how he was taking her to show her the surprise he'd promised her. There wasn't even a hint of hesitation.

They drove for some time before pulling up in the driveway of a random house.

'Where are we?' She questioned, climbing out of the car.

'You'll see' he winked, pulling out a key. He walked to the front door and opened it.

'Want me to carry you over the threshold again?' He asked, smiling widely. Was he for real?

'What?' She asked, her head swimming with what she'd seen earlier.

'Do I need to spell it out? Welcome home babe. I got us a new house. It's got a gym, we can extend out the back for a pool, it's close to where your new uni is and close to my training ground. The flat has too many bad memories and I want us to have a fresh start here'

It was too much for her. The flat had too many bad memories for him? She couldn't even imagine setting foot in the place now that she knew what he'd done there.

'When you say bad memories, do you mean like when you fucked that girl in our bed?' she asked coldly.

Jack stopped and looked at her, the guilt was seeping out of his every pore. He tried to find the words, but his stuttering infuriated her more.

'I mean, is buying this big fancy house supposed to make you feel less guilty? You cheated on me and it's all over the newspaper today and you think it's cool to carry on regardless as if by making some ridiculous expensive gesture and I'm going to just forget everything? Well I'm not' now she'd started, it was hard to stop. She wanted to tell him exactly how he had made her feel.  'For God's sake Jack, I've been at home this week starting to look at wedding dresses and planning our future and then this is what I come home to?'

'Amy, she exaggerated everything it's not like she said. It was when we took our break and it happened once and I regretted it immediately. I should have told you im sorry'

'Our break? Our break Jack? Well there's another lie, have you even read the story? She says she was with you in Tenerife and then again after we were on our break. You know, the break that you wanted because things were getting too serious between us. Now I see the real reason you wanted the break. You'd slept with someone else and wanted to do it again. Then you came to Ibiza and accused me of sleeping with Evan? Well no, thats not okay. I'm not going to be treated like that' she fumed.

'I know, it was stupid but I'd been drinking and it just happened' Jack was crying, his eyes were red and bloodshot, but she was far too angry to cry yet.

'What? Both times? Including in OUR BED?' She screamed. 'And what about still messaging her?'

'Honest I messaged her once and that's it, I can show you. Honestly I'm so so sorry' he was trying to hold her hand but she didn't want him to touch her.

It's Coming HomeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant