Chapter 15. Understanding Your Enemy

Start from the beginning

"Impossible..." Dumbledore had been silent until now. He stared at Dr. Barlaam with an open mouth, his hand on his heart. "Dr. Barlaam, I'd like to talk to you in private."


Everyone who fought at the Department of Ministry had been assessed before given clearance to head for their dorm. Madam Pomfrey insisted I stay overnight for precaution.

I laid in the bed next to Neveah. A sheer curtain was the only thing that stood between us.

Although she was stable, nurses and physicians had to keep a constant eye on her. Her body healed and crashed throughout the day. I watched their shadows in pain as doctors doused her with magic. A million tests until even they had enough.

Thankfully by the time it stood dark, she was in the clear. According to Dr. Barlaam, she would make it out alive. But she'd need plenty of recovery time and a hell of a lot of support. He never went into detail about her situation.

Within the same time, Dumbledore was reinstated. It seemed as though everything would be okay, despite the current condition. I thought that maybe he'd come for a visit, provide answers. He never did.

I asked the others not to visit, I knew they were exhausted. Ironically, as much as I wanted to be alone, I felt unbearably lonely. My only comfort being Neveah's silhouette through the fabric between us. That only made me feel guilty.

The first time I closed my eyes, Sirius' black eyes haunted me. He was gone, he was never coming back. I still had dreams of a life with him. I wanted to live with him, I wanted to make him proud. Just as he had gotten his life back, it was taken from him.

The second time I closed my eyes, I heard Neveah's heart wrenching cries. I heard her shouting in agony, begging for help. I watched her torture and I couldn't do a single thing to make it stop.

I couldn't lose her. I couldn't lose anymore people I love. It doesn't matter whether she feels the same way. Whether she sees me as just a friend, or anything more, it doesn't matter. I'll love Neveah either way. I just want her in my life. I need her to live. So please, please keep fighting.

I heard the door creep open. I stiffened beneath the sheets, hoping to act still enough to seem asleep. I shut my eyes tightly, waiting until the figure passed.

Footsteps clattered on the floor. Once they passed my bed, I looked under the curtain to see black, shiny shoes standing at Neveah's bedside. The same ones the raced towards me in pain and anger.

Draco Malfoy.

I could hear him pull a chair up besides her, probably holding her close. The thought of him so close to her, closer than me, sent chills down my side.

But then, I heard sobs. Soft, suffering cries. The Draco Malfoy, was crying.

"I-I'm so sorry, Bird." He whispered softly. "I shouldn't have let you go. I should've never lied to you. Maybe- maybe I could have protected you. I wish I could take it all back, everything I did. I wasted so much time fighting... I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm-"

His voice cracked over his repeating words. I shouldn't have been listening, but nothing stopped me.

"I can't lose you Neveah, not again. I will do anything I can for you to forgive me. And-and my father... I'm sorry. I hate him, I truly do." His words quivered through his lips. "I-I'm sorry for being so rude to your friends. I get jealous, jealous of that idiot, Potter." My heart quickened at my name. "I think he's good for you, you know? I know he won't hurt you like I did. As much as I hate it, he can make you happier."

I couldn't believe his words. I had never heard Draco speak in any other way besides insulting. Now, he was vulnerable. In a way, he didn't hate me. He hated himself, his father, his life.

I felt sympathy for him, he had feelings. He was only human. He just wanted Neveah to be safe, to be happy.

"I brought this for you. It was quite difficult getting it, but I needed you to have it." He sniffed, "I love you Bird, and I am so sorry."

He sat up from his chair. The moonlight made visible shadows for me to see. He planted a soft kiss on her forehead before leaving the room.

Once I made sure he was gone, I sat up from my bed. I walked over to her side of the curtain. Her pale lips beginning to gain color, as well as her skin. Her dark hair shined from the moon light.

I realized she had a hand closed over something. I stepped closer, opening up her hand.

A golden locket.

This must've been what Malfoy was talking about. I opened it to see a picture. Young Draco and Neveah laughing together, smiling for the camera.

He looked so innocent, she looked so happy.

The words engraved read, "To Bird, From Dray." I was jealous of their close bond. I was angry, angry that I can't be mad at Draco. Because I know he's no different from me. I know he loves her.

I closed the locket. I reached around her neck, clasping the necklace.

"Goodnight, Neveah." I placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

For the next few days I watched Draco sneak around the halls. As discreet as he tried to be, he was easy to follow. And everyday he disappeared, a new bouquet of flowers rested in the vase beside her.


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