How could he have forgotten about those? Dammit he couldn’t believe he’d forgotten about Chester’s pants. Literally. He’d thrown them onto the floor because he was too busy jerking him off. He had a feeling he was going to be in a lot of trouble.

          “Alright Mike. Where the fuck is he?”

          “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

          “You’re whole room smells like sex and you’ve got pants that are obviously not yours.”

          “They are. And I was jerking off,” Mike said realizing how embarrassing those words sounded but he would do anything to keep the boy he loved hidden under the blankets behind him.

          “Stop lying to me Mike.”

          “I’m not lying.”

          “Get up.”

          Mike slowly stood up and his dad began to search the room. He felt tears in his eyes. He didn’t want Chester to get hurt. He didn’t deserve it.

          “I told you that you were not allowed to have him here. You are not allowed to associate with him,” his dad said as he grabbed the blanket that Chester was hidden under and pulled it away. Mike watched as Chester’s shaking body was revealed from underneath the blanket. His dad grabbed Chester’s arm and pulled him off the bed. “Out of my house!”

          Chester stumbled backwards and tripped. He ended up on the floor and then Mike ran to him. He knew that his dad wouldn’t hesitate to hit the boy in front of him. Mike grabbed Chester and pulled him into his arms to shield him from the hit that slammed into his back. Chester squirmed in his lap, desperately trying to get out of Mike’s grip so he could take the hits.

          “Don’t move Chester,” Mike said quietly. Chester continued to struggle and Mike had to grip the hair at the back of his neck to keep him in place.

          “Mike. Get off of him now.”

          “No. Don’t touch him. You can hurt me all you want.”

          “NO!” Chester screamed from where he was sitting in Mike’s arms but Mike clamped his hand over the other boy’s mouth.

          “Chester stop,” Mike said but the boy shook his head. Mike gripped his hair tighter, “Chester please stop. Stop. You need to get out of here. You need to run.”

          Chester continued to shake his head and Mike felt tears in his eyes. He didn’t deserve someone like Chester . “Chester, you have to go. You have to leave.”

          “No,” Chester whispered.

          “You need to leave. You need to be safe. I’ll be fine but you won’t. He’ll kill you Chester.”

          “Better me than you,” Chester said quietly.

          “Don’t you dare say that,” Mike said as he stood up and gave Chester his pants back, “You need to leave. You need to be safe. I love you. You need to go.”

          Chester looked back at him, his eye glistening with tears, “But Mikey…..”

          “Go Chester. Please.”

          Chester bit his lip but nodded and turned to leave. He walked down the stairs and Mike heard the door open and shut. He turned to his dad.

          “You happy now?”

          “You’re not going to be in school the next few days. You will have no contact with that boy.”

          Mike watched his dad walk out and then the door was shut and locked. He smiled slightly as he felt his phone still tucked underneath the pillows. He would be able to talk to Chester. He’d have to make sure he gave Chester a call later. Or a text. Something. He sent him a quick text.

          ‘I’m ok Chester. Don’t worry.’

          ‘Ok. Love you baby.’

          ‘Love you too sweetheart.’

          ‘Sappy. <3.’

          ‘And that’s not?’

          ‘Its better than sweetheart.’


          ‘That’s better.’

          ‘I can’t stand you.’

          ‘And that’s why you love me.’

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