Chapter 43

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Once I got back to U.A., with La brava and Gentle, I went to the dorms to see what everyone had decided was going to happen. "So, what have you guys decided to do?" I ask them.

"Well, we're going to do a Musical Performance, with dancing, and Ayoma is going to be a giant disco ball." Kirishima says. "Cool. I have a few friends who are considering helping you guys." I say.

"Who are they?" Uraraka asks. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like you to meet La Brava and Gentle." I say as the 2 walk in.

"Wow. Who are they?" Kirishima asks. "They're friends of mine from a while ago who joined me and wore my symbol when they commited heroic acts." I tell them.

"So are they still vigilante's?" Iida asks. "No. My hero license covers all of them, surprisingly." I say.

"Incredible. How?" Jiro asks me. "Well, I'm pretty sure it's something to do with how all of their ideals line up with mine and-"

"I meant how they'll help us with out performance, however I would like to know more about them later." Jiro says. "Oh... Well you see, Gentle and La Brava are performers in a way with how they take criminals down." I say.

"So you brought them here to help with how the show looks?" Kaminari asks. "Of course. I have trust in you guys, but I wanted to make this plus ultra." I say.

"So that is why we're here. To bring an extra pizazz to the show." Gentle says. "Exactly. Now we could do a number of things. With shards of Todoroki's ice particles in the air, it'll be like the audience is in space. Maybe an explosion at the beginning to get everyone's attention before the music plays. Ooh, maybe we can have dark shadow swirl the ice around to make it look cooler." La Brava says fastly.

"Okay. Just slow down." Jiro says. "I like her." Mina says, smiling.

"I'm sure we'll be great friends." La Brava says. "Great. I can't wait to see what other ideas you have." Mina says.

"Interesting. I can't believe they're so talented. Why weren't they performers?" Tsuyu asked. "We'll discuss that on a later date when they're more comfortable talking about it. Until then they'll be here to help you when it comes to performance and decoration. Call me if you need something set up which would take a long time for you to do." I say as I go to the kitchen to make some candy apples for Eri.

"I thought he'd go up to his room like usual." Kaminari says. "Nope. He's making candy apples for Eri. He does it when special occasions are about to come up. I can tell he hired us because he wants Eri to have the best experience at the festival." Gentle says.

"In that case, let's not let him down guys. Lets go beyond! PLUS ULTRA!!!" Kirishima starts, and everyone joins in at the end for the "Plus Ultra." I couldn't help but chuckle at how considerate they are.

Well so long as they keep it a secret, I should be able to surprise her very well. She still hasn't caught onto the fact that I make them before something special, but she may soon. Either that or she feigns ignorance. Whatever. I'm fine either way so long as my little girl is happy.

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