Chapter 33

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Todoroki's Pov...

Today me and the others decided to watch TV. I turned on the news to see how the world was doing without All Might.

"Hello people of japan. It's been 2 weeks after the loss of All Might, the symbol of peace. So far the world hasn't seemed to get back on it's feet fully, but signs of it are showing up. But now a question has been echoing throughout Japan... Who should be the new #1 hero." The news person says.

I was shocked. Did they consider someone else to be number #1 instead of Endeavor, my awful father.

"Yes it has." Another reporter says, the screen cuts to them.

"You see, ever since people saw All Might's fight with 2 very powerful villains. One of being an alien. In this fight, All Might was practically defeated by the end of the fight, but the former Vigilante Ten, who has also confirmed the existence of aliens, defeated both. Ever since then, everyone has wondered if he's a better candidate to be the new #1 hero. We welcome someone from hero administration. For personal reasons he has not told us his name, or allowed us to show his face. Tell us what you think of the situation sir." She says, as the screen splits, to another, with a man in a cubicle, and a blurred out face on the screen.

"Well, right now, Endeavor has been a hero for a lot longer, however if we were to ignore age and amount of time they've worked, Ten has saved more people. He's been traveling across the world, and stopped many acts of terrorism, one of which being saving I-island. He's also more popular, as he's inspired many people to become heroes and all of them wear his symbol, and made him the person in charge if they were to ever have met the, causing him to be the youngest hero to have his own agency. Also, from what all of us have seen, he's more powerful, as he was able to cover the entire moon with his logo, all though, he says this was an accident, and that he needed a quick way to defeat both villains." The man said.

"Thanks for your time sir." The reporter says. "Well, there is still a tiny bit more to cover. There's been a few times Endeavor has been accused of crimes, but the investigations ceased for some mysterious reasons. For those reasons, police are investigating his past, and while Ten has broken the very strict no quirk law, government officials have pardoned him for his crimes. Thank you for having me." The man says.

"Your welcome. Goodbye everyone We'll see you in 3 weeks with the results." The reporter says, as it then ends.

"Woah, I can't believe Deku's going to be #1 hero." Kaminari said. "Yeah, me neither." Mina says.

"I don't know. I kind of thought he would be when he had multiple powers." Tsuyu said. "Yeah, but I didn't expect it to be so soon." Mina said.

They were either surprised or excited, but I knew my old man would try and do something to stop Midoriya from becoming #1.

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