Chapter 19

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I get to the place where we're going to fight All Might. I was a little scared to be fighting my childhood idle, but I can manage. I enter as a human. If I were the the Alien I was going to fight All Might as from the beginning, too much property would be destroyed.

Me and Kirishima were walking forward. He seemed uneasy as we walked forward. "Thank god I'm not paired up with Bakugou." I say. "Oh, and why's that?" He asks.

"I know you listen to our conversations Kirishima, so I'll tell you. We used to be great friends, him and I, but the day I was diagnosed as quirkless, he bullied me. He was praised and that turned him into a snob who has an authority issue. Many times while I had my quirk, I considered just revealing myself and showing him his place, but I knew that even if I were to rip his arms and legs off, he'd still call everyone around him inferior." I say.

"So, which hero said you couldn't be one, because from what I've heard-"

"LOOKOUT!" I yell as I push him as far to the right as possible before becoming my trump card alien.

"Atomix!" I yell.

I take the blow that destroys the rest of the street

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I take the blow that destroys the rest of the street. I now remember why he is the #1 hero.

"Kirishima, run, I'll take care of All Might." I say. "Understood." Kirishima says.

He tries to run off, but All Might cuts him off. I rush towards him and punch All Might far back. Kirishima continues running.

I turn towards All Might and rush towards him. We both run at each other and our fist collide. It decimates a lot of the city. I keep us here. If we need to stay here if I want to minimize damage. Our fist collide over and over again, eventually punching each other to the point where our arms were a blur.

He's strong, but thanks to varias testing, I found out that being smashed from earth to the moon wouldn't even leave any visible damage on me. He simply doesn't have the power to put me down.

However, there are times where he says Plus Ultra. Those moments where he uses more than 100% of his power. Yes, I understand his quirk now. It disables the limiters in his body and allows him to use even more than 100% of his strength. Theoretically, he has infinite power.

Too bad he can't use it. He isn't really the best with control. He would only use it if the attack were aimed upwards.

We punch each other and are sent flying back. Me into the ground and him into the air. I fly at him, radiation generating in my hand. "GO BEYOND..." I shout causing both our eyes to gleam, me hoping he'll say the next part with me.

"Plus..." We begin as we get closer. "ULTRA!!!" We finally say as our fist get even closer and then suddenly, they collide. All Mights punch had air swirling around it, so most of the radiation dispersed in an explosion around us, but my punch still had more power and sent him flying into one of the buildings.

I fly down to help him. Most if not all the camera's were destroyed. Kirishima was outside the gate, so why didn't the victory thing sound off.

I look around to see that all the speakers were destroyed. I pick up All Might and take him over to Kirishima.

"Sorry about that. I think we broke the speakers." I say, as Small Might is in my arms. "It's okay. Let's just get him to recovery girl and fast." He says. I become xlr8 and take them both to Recovery Girl's office.

"Do you need anything Kirishima?" I ask. "I should be asking you that. You fought All Might and basically destroyed the whole city. How are you unharmed?" He asks.

"Atomix is radioactive energy in a suit, same goes for NRG. They're some of my most powerful aliens. Humans haven't really done their best with nukes, but my aliens can, and they can take that damage." I say.

I then get recovery girl to heal them both. She wasn't exactly appealed that we didn't hold back much. However, for everyone there, it was epic. However only Kirishima really saw it so he'd have to tell everyone what it was like.

I however was currently watching Eri. She always attended my classes and was a bit shy to ask questions, but she always learned, mostly I would help her when she needed it, so no one dared to bother me while I was talking to her.

Anyways, tomorrow I'm going to have to get especially ready for the camp. I can just smell someone attacking us.

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