Track twenty-nine

Start from the beginning

"I heard they're getting us winter jackets and mitts and toques and stuff" he acted like a small child as he giggled running toward the bug window

"Why are you so happy?"

And he shrugs

"Are you alright..?" I trail off as my heart starts pounding as he faces me

I take a step back as I notice this wasn't Ashton. Was he brainwashed again?

"What's the matter Bella?" He asks and I snap out of my thoughts blinking twice as I see his hazel eyes once again. I sigh in relief as it was /him/ again

He quickly walks over to me as his eyebrows furrow, he wraps his arms around me and puts his chin up on the top of my head

"I'm going crazy" I mumble and he holds me tighter

"Me too." he whispers

I pull away stepping back and he closes his eyes tightly before opening them again.

"I like your hair" he comments as he scratches the back of his neck nervously.

"Thanks" I mumble subconsciously fixing my hair as he chuckles walking closer

"Wanna go for a walk?" He asks as he pretends to take my hand

"We were already walking" I say rolling my eyes as I take his arm linking it with mine.

We walk in silence as we pass by other patients and their caretakers as some smile at the two of us and some giving us deathly glares.

I wonder about Luke, and how he knew he wasn't Kent, or how he got me into trouble, I start to think why the hell wouldn't he tell me?

We had turned left on the corner and the hall had no patients or any nurses and my heart pounded

Ashton pinned me against the wall, my back hurting it hard

"Fuck" he worriedly scanned me up and down "I didn't mean to hurt you" his hot breath tickled my face and his arms in either side of my head made it hard for me to see where we were.

"I need to talk to you" he says in a hushed tone-his breath tickling my ear, i gulp and silently nod

"I found a way out." he barely says as he gulps slowly moving his face towards mine

"You-you have?" I ask nervously as he runs his fingers through his curly hair, his hazel eyes flickering between me and then empty space.

He bites his thumb nail nervously as he starts pacing back and forth

"This is really crazy I know." he sighs but then slowly breathes in and exhales "but I need to get out of here"

I cross my arms as he takes a step forward putting a strand of hair behind my ear smiling

"Do you remember when I told you that you were the way out of here when you first got here?" He questions and I furrow my eyebrows then nod remembering his exact words.

"I knew you were different from the rest, if you looked carefully the nurses and caregivers treated you differently too" he looks down at the ground in deep thought "they gave you special treatment no one else got, and the night you came I heard the workers talking about you." he bit his lip looking up at me as my heart raced, he looked at my eyes with his hazel and he kicked his lips my heart pounding harder

"They said to keep an eye on you" he slowly moved forward as his hand grazed me arm ever so slightly. His head tilting toward my neck as he pushed my back against the wall

"They said that you were special" he whispered kissing my neck and I bit my lip with this new shot of pleasure I haven't felt in so long

"They also said you were really fucking hot" his words smirked and his lips came in contact right behind my ear and my heart felt like it was about to explode.

He kissed my jawline and then his eyes finally met mine. The boy with the hazel eyes and soft pink lips, he held my face and slowly leaned in and I did too and as I

"Bella!" Luke shouted almost awkwardly stepping back a bit as Ashton and I had both jumped, our cheeks flaming

And suddenly I remember, Luke.

He glares at Ashton who glares at him back with the same amount of anger. Ashton's jaw clenched and Luke crosses his arms across his chest standing up a bit taller.

The two are eyeing each other as I finally break the silence awkwardly coughing

"What do you need lu-Kent." I snap and I'm surprised at my harsh tone with Luke, but it came out of just pure anger of him not telling me anything.

His eyes soften as he flickers his eyes between Ashton and I and he starts to speak up

"I-I" Luke looks down at his clenched fist then bites his lip "have to go" he mumbles quickly turning his whole body completely running away

I stood there as he ran, and suddenly I forgot why the hell I loved him so much.

The only thing I saw was his hands on another girl's hips and another girls face on his lying lips

(^^ a/n it was a flashback ok only da last paragraph)












Teacher Timbits guy



Me (author)

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