࿏ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 13 ࿏

Comenzar desde el principio

"They fucking caught him!" Wilbur screamed as he sped into an intersection, cars honking their horns. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, his beanie was loose on his head. He grabbed it and shoved it onto the floor, discarding the woolly material.

"Goddamnit, Tom," Techno muttered.

"You're blaming Tommy?" Wilbur scoffed, the pinkette hummed his response. "Ha! It's not his fault! It was that bloody Purpled kid. He betrayed and ratted us out and you're seriously blaming our brother?"

"He's the one that got caught, Wilbur" Techno explained, the sirens were now gone and the Watson's were home free. Wilbur sped around a corner in anger.

"He was trying to make sure we got out safe so we wouldn't get caught"

"Wilbur, he got caught. Not much we can do." Techno's monotone voice said with ease. He wasn't even angry that his brother was gone. Wilbur never had wanted to strangle his brother so bad until now.

Even though Techno loved his youngest brother, he never showed it. Never had he even told the blonde that he loved him, it was always Wil or Phil having to calm the teenager's nerves or panic attacks.

No wonder Tommy thought his oldest brother hated him and probably wished he was dead. The Pinkette always seemed burdened by his existence.

"Fuck you, Techno! That's our bloody brother! OUR SEVENTEEN-YEAR-OLD BROTHER! And you're going to leave him? I know you hate him but that's even a little extreme don't you think?" The brunette scoffed as he continued down the road in Tommy's car. The older man scoffed as he turned his attention out the window and watched the world pass him.

They sat in silence the entire way. Tommy wasn't one for turning on the radio, usually connecting his phone, and neither dared to touch anything they didn't need to. To say that Wilbur resented his twin brother at this moment was an understatement, he promised to protect Tommy and he had failed that one simple task.

He promised to always be there for him but now, it was just a reminder of who he failed.

Wil sighed, worry was racking his whole body as he continued to think about Tommy. His fear was always being locked up and having claustrophobia made it even worse for the kid.

Wilbur swerved into the underground car park under their building and immediately got out in a huff. Instantly walking over to the elevator and pressing the button. Techno awkwardly stood there, even when he wasn't showing emotion, he sure as hell felt it. He hated when his brother and father were angry with him, he hurt more than a bullet wound. The elevator arrived and the brunette got in, hitting the button and folding his arms over his chest.

The elevator headed up towards the 19th floor where Phil would be awaiting them, no doubt he had heard about the turn of events. The metal doors opened, the same red doors meeting them once again. Without knocking, the younger twin swung open the door, colliding with the wall and causing a ruckus. The older blonde looked up at his sons, his eyes scanning for a certain blonde.

"That fucking bastard betrayed us!" Wilbur screamed at his father and slammed his hands onto the desk in front. Phil tilted his head, his once calm expression growing dark as Wil continued to speak "because that kid did that, Tommy, our brother, is in the hands of those bastards! That Purpled kid held a fucking gun to him! He was trapped!"

Phil slammed his fist down on his desk. Wil backing up slightly, when their father was angry you didn't want to mess with him. Anger flowed through his veins at a rapid pace. Purpled. He wanted that kid dead. How dare he betray them and take his youngest son, Tommy for fucks sake, down with him.

He was going to destroy that kid from the inside out. The blonde looked up, his light blue eyes on his oldest sons. Wilbur shifted slightly, he was clearly in pain from failing his little brother, Techno, however, his body language was unreadable as always.

"Bring me Jack and Bad, I have a job for them"

Words: 1,362

Bee: LookaDaBee
Goose: AnxietyButWeird

Now we approach the arc of 'We want Tommy back'

I just started a new job at a cafe and bro it's so tiring. My feet hurt so bad by the end of the day and it's only 5 hours. I do love it tho :D

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