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Eren Pov:

It was mid afternoon. I was sitting in my bed reading a book. Mikasa was with her mother right now. As i was reading my book the door of my room suddenly opened revealing my exhausted father. He came inside the room and closed the room. He ran towards me and grabbed both of my shoulder. He looked like he was being chased by death. "Dad what happened?" I asked. "Eren if your mother come here and ask about me tell her i am not here." He said. "Ok" i replied still confused. My father then quickly went to my bathroom and locked himself inside. Then after a minute my mother came inside my room. "Eren have you seen your father?" She asked. "ummm no." I lied. She made her way to the bathroom and tried opening it but it was locked. "Then who is in the bathroom?" She asked. "Mikasa." I replied sweat falling down from my forehead. Then suddenly my room's door again opened revealing Mikasa this time. My mother looked at her then at me and then at the bathroom door. I gulped nervously. " I had enough of you and your father." She said as she knocked the bathroom door signaling my father to come out. My father then came outside the bathroom and as soon as he did my mother grabbed his ear and then dragged him towards me and grabbed my ear too. Mikasa who was standing there burst into laughter. "What's that all about?" She asked my mom. "Well i was asking my husband to come with me to the Reiss's party but he didn't agree and since Eren helped him hide he will be going to the party too with me." My mother explained this to Mikasa. My eyes got widened as i heard about the Reissy party.
" No mother any punishment but this." I begged her but she ignored me. "Mikasa do you wanna come with us?" My mother asked Mikasa. "Of course i would love too." She said.

At almost evening we all departured for the Reiss kingdom and we will reach there in almost a 10 hours. We were traveling by a cruise ship that belongs to our royal family. Mikasa parents joined us because Mikasa's mother also wanted to join us and for her father and uncle they were also forced to come with us.

All of the males were in one room,talking about somethings and all of the females in another room talking about somethings of their interest. And for me, i was standing at edge of the ship watching the moon rising and enjoying the cold air running through my hairs. As i was enjoying my alone time the falshbacks of the duel between me and levi came back in my mind. I was very confused of what that voice was that motivated me.

My thoughts were distributed by an angelic voice. I turned around and saw my beautiful fiancé standing. "Hey what are you doing here?" I asked her. "I can ask you the same question." She replied. "Just fresh air." I replied. "Me too." She said. She then came near me and stood beside me at the edge of the ship. As she was looking at the moon. The blue light was lighting her features and she was looking like goddess standing there. I then realized something that this woman who is standing beside me is so much important to me and belive me i am ready to leave everything for her. "Mikasa..?" I called her. She replied with a hum and turned her eyes towards me. I looked depp into her eyes. "Mikasa what am i to you?" I asked her. Tears falling down my eyes i don't know why but i felt like crying at that moment. She looked confused first but then she opened her eyes. "Eren...... You are my Love." She stated. At that moment i realized how much i love her. I know we only met a few weeks ago but this woman will be staying with me forever and i will make her the most happiest woman alive in the world. I then without any warning kissed her. She returned the kiss. Soon we broke the kiss and i held her hand and took our engagement ring from her hand. She got afraid from my this action. She must thought i was breaking the engagement but no. I kneeled down on one knee. "Mikasa i know this is weird and this engagement wasn't of love. We were forced into this engagement but as i spend my time with you i fall in love with you. And now i want this engagement to be of love. So Mikasa Ackerman will you marry me?" I asked. Tears started falling down from her eyes. "Yes Eren yes i will marry you." She said as i slid down the ring in her fingers. She then kissed me again and i returned the kiss.

"I love you Mikasa soon to be Jeager." I said to her. She smiled as he snuggled upto my chest and burried her face in my chest. "I love you too Eren." She said. We stood there for sometime enjoying eachother company. Soon the air became very cold and we went to our assigned room. I change into some comfortable clothes and went to bed as well as Mikasa. She laid down beside me and snuggled upto me and kissed me on my cheeks. She then slept but i didn't and i played with her hair for a while but then i slept as well.

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